Friday, March 1, 2024

Vicious satire about DJT, the TTPK and the border “crisis”

This video was posted in a recent comment here. I went back and forth about whether to post it alone or at all. On the one hand it treats rank and file (R&F) TTKP voters with demeaning, brutal insults, e.g., racist, ignorant, gullible, stupid, disinformed. On the other hand, it directly calls out and nails the brutal, insulting, bad faith, cynical rhetoric that DJT and his elite TTKP defenders, supporters and enablers operate with to trap the minds of the loyal R&F. 

TTKP: Trump Tyranny & Kleptocracy Party, formerly the Republican Party

One thing is clear from this vicious screed. This video, more than anything I have seen so far, makes clear (at least to me) that there is a huge gulf in understanding between most of the TTKP R&F and the elites who run it in “bad faith.” That is what tipped me to post this. The end of the speech, is a chant of exactly what is on the elite’s minds and what really motivates them to embrace authoritarianism: 


I assume that most of the TTKP R&F, maybe about 75%, have been deceived, manipulated and betrayed by dark free speech the corrupt authoritarian elites constantly spew. That is where the gulf in mindsets lies. Those elites have used decades of cynical, divisive dark free speech to prey on the innate base instincts that most people have but had kept in check before kleptocratic authoritarianism rose to take control of the TTKP and its mendacious (morally rotted), authoritarian messaging Leviathan.

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