Friday, April 5, 2024

News bits: Self-interest politics; Corrupted, partisan Republican judges; Lying to judges

By now we all know that some politicians are purely self-interested and could not care less about most anything else. The Hill reports about a nice example of this exceptionally disgusting form of moral rot: 
Former President Trump’s growing criticism of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza signals a glaring break from GOP talking points backing Israel’s right to self-defense. Trump allies played down the importance of his interview with Israeli reporters last week, saying his staunch support of Israel would continue in a potential second term.

John Bolton, who served for 17 months as Trump’s White House national security adviser, told The Hill the former president’s stance on Israel will largely depend on the environment he inherits and on what would best serve his own interests.

“At bottom, Trump doesn’t have a national security policy,” Bolton said, calling the former president’s approach “ad hoc.” “He sees things primarily through the prism of, ‘Does this benefit Donald Trump?’”

Texas Supreme Court justice implies Democrats will cheat in 2024 election

Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine is facing new questions about his impartiality after a clip went viral this week in which he implied that Democrats plan to cheat against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

“Do you really think the Democrats are going to roll over and let Trump be president again?” Devine asked in a keynote speech at the Texas Tea Party Republican Women’s 2023 Christmas event. “You think they’re just going to go away, all of a sudden find Jesus and [there will] be an honest election? I don’t think so.”  
But election disputes weren’t the only hot-button issues on which Devine opined that night. Throughout his 40-minute speech, he blasted legal challenges to Texas’ abortion laws as a “mockery of God,” and invoked apocalyptic language when discussing Democrats — saying his judgeship gave him a “front-row seat to the end of the world.”  
“Our culture is dying before our very eyes,” he said. “The church seems to be weakened and not know what to do. We have a corrupted government. On a federal level, we’re run by a criminal enterprise. … None of you are going to escape this. And so I would implore you to get closer to the Lord. I would implore you to prepare. I would implore you to bring other people on board.”
This exemplifies the extremist theocratic Christian Sharia thinking that motivates guides beliefs of elite radical Christian nationalist authoritarians.

America's radical right authoritarian wealth & power movement has no limits on its shocking public contempt for the rule of law when the law is inconvenient. ProPublica reports about a recent incident of lawyers lying to judges by withholding important relevant information:
Trump’s Lawyers Told the Court That No One Would Give Him a Bond. Then He Got a Lifeline, but They Didn’t Tell the Judges.

An appeals court reduced Trump’s bond by more than 60% after his attorneys claimed it was a “practical impossibility” to pay the full amount. Their failure to disclose a proposal from a billionaire financier may have violated ethics rules.

But before the judges ruled, the impossible became possible: A billionaire lender approached Trump about providing a bond for the full amount.

The lawyers never filed paperwork alerting the appeals court. That failure may have violated ethics rules, legal experts say.
It is discouraging that by withholding important financial information that DJT merely “may have violated” ethics rules. The rule of law is often or usually feeble to non-existent for elites.* It is always a matter of may have, might, could be, a possibility, etc. Situations are rare where something is concrete in the eyes of the law dealing with elites like DJT.

* For example, DJT obstructed justice at least four times during the Mueller investigation. That became public knowledge on April 18, 2019. But so far, there has been no prosecution of those felonies. That is an undeniable example of the rule of law being literally non-existent for an elite. Ethics rules always seem to have ways for elites to weasel out and get away with whatever they want.

Merrick Garland the Worthless

in the Mueller report

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