Saturday, June 29, 2024

Big SCOTUS decision coming Monday…

Yes, the one we’ve all been waiting for: 

Does a President of the U.S. have absolute immunity?

The immunity case in Donald J. Trump v. United States will center on one simple sentence: “whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.”

So, what do you think?  If yes, should Biden order Seal Team 6 to go in and assassinate DJT as an official act of saving democracy?  Okay, I kid (barely). 🤨

Yes, that is a ridiculous statement on its face.  But in actuality, from what I can tell, we are dealing with exactly that scenario. 

What makes something an official act?  Need it be in the Constitution to be an official act?  Otherwise, how is it determined?

The nightmare awaits.  Discuss or Disqus... pick your poison.

(by PrimalSoup)

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