Monday, July 8, 2024

A thunderbolt of truth: Why the MSM is openly hostile to Biden

NOTE: The veracity of the information in this post is contested. 

Larrymotuz posted this yesterday about the mainstream media:

John C. Varner III (@LilHulkQ) answered the following QUESTION on Threads Net:


ANS: The media's anti-Biden noise isn't an accident:

CNN: CEO is a Trump donor
ABC: CEO Trump donor
CBS: CEO Trump donor
NBC: CEO Trump donor
MSNBC: CEO Trump donor
Washington Post: owner Jeff Bezo
Wall Street Journal: Owner: Robert Murdoch
New York Times: CEO Trump donor


I think THAT answers many a question.

It also answers why President Biden usually is damned with faint praise and gets zero to miniscule coverage for his major achievements as POTUS.

IMHO, that is information worth keeping in mind. It plausibly explains why the MSM is so clearly hostile to Biden and so accommodating to the authoritarian monster DJT.

Update: I am trying to verify the information about Trump donors. So far I have been unable to find the sources of that information. Open Secrets does not have this information in its major donor list.


Q: What are the political affiliations of major American news executives?

  1. A significant majority of top executives and CEOs of major American companies lean Republican. A study found that 57.7% of CEOs have donated to Republican causes, while only 18.6% consistently supported Democrats.
  2. This trend is even more pronounced among America's top executives, with nearly 70% affiliated with the Republican Party and 31% with the Democrats.
  3. The political polarization among executives has increased over time. From 2008 to 2020, partisanship in executive teams increased by 7.7 percentage points, which is twice the rate of increase in the general population.
  4. This Republican leaning among executives is attributed to conservative policies often being more favorable to corporate interests, such as tax cuts and deregulation.
  5. However, it's important to note that political affiliations can vary by industry. For example, the energy sector shows a stronger Republican bias, particularly in the South and Midwest.
  6. When it comes to news organizations specifically, there is a mix of political leanings. Some major newspapers and news magazines are perceived to lean liberal (e.g., New York Times, Washington Post), while others are seen as more conservative (e.g., Wall Street Journal, New York Post).
  7. The political affiliation of news executives can influence the editorial stance and coverage of their organizations. For instance, Fox News, which is known for its conservative leaning, is the most common source of political news for Republicans.

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