Wednesday, June 9, 2021

We are on the eve of destruction

“Wherever law ends, tyranny begins.” -- John Locke, 1689, making a now forgotten statement of truth

Everything powerful I look at in American politics points to the rise of the rise of darkness and complacent incompetence. That is being replaced some form of kleptocratic, hateful, fascist Christian sharia. The fall of democracy, the rule of law and civil liberties is the goal among most conservatives. What most liberals what is unclear to me. The evidence of impending destruction is everywhere. So is public ignorance of the situation. Some see the seriousness of the threat, maybe 10-15% of Americans. Most do not.

In an earlier post here, I argued for the firing of Merrick Garland as a defender of indefensible partisan political power over the rule of law. I stand by that argument and repeat it. Fire Garland, right now. I also argue for the impeachment and removal of all nine justices on the US supreme court for the same reason. Impeach and remove them all, right now. Obviously, none of that has a snowball's chance in hell of becoming reality.

It appears that almost no one in either party in power in congress, the executive branch or federal courts is serious about vindicating the rule of law. Not Democrats. And absolutely not Republicans. Both stand for tyranny. Neither is fit to govern.

Questions: Is it unjustified or irrational to argue for getting rid of both the Democratic and Republican Parties as unfit to govern because they are pro-tyranny and anti-rule of law? If so, why does the rule of law for politicians, rich people and big corporations keep eroding, while the rest of us keep getting whacked? Or is just that a personal delusion?

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