Monday, June 7, 2021

🎜 You don't beleive, we're on the eve of destruction? 🎜

Humanity is a hot mess, if you ask me.  As Tom Cruise said in my favorite movie of all time (Born on the Fourth of July), “Everything’s falling apart.” 

Politics (with its stubborn tribalism), religion (with its pushy Christian/Islamic Nationalism), environment (with humanity’s slow systematic murdering of the planet), unchecked negative emotions (and all their ramifications/baggage), questionable morality (there’s a can-and-a-half of worms for ya), … you name it.  The world is barreling down a path of self-destruction, and at an ever-increasing speed. “It’s all falling apart.”  And I personally believe it’s irreparable.

When I think about all the dysfunction going on, it makes me wonder where we “went wrong” as a species.  And it makes me wonder if who we are today was destined to happen.  Indulge me in this thought experiment:

Suppose that Earth’s history was re-booted; a cosmic “do-over,” as in back to the primordial soup stage.  As Slimeous Erectus πŸ˜‰ (a lame attempt at comedy relief) continues to develop over the eons, stage after stage (this thing, naturally evolves into that thing, that naturally evolves into that thing, etc. and etc.), into humanity as we know it today, here’s the question:

What do you predict would be that re-boot’s eventual outcome, as it relates to humanity’s status quo of today?  For example…

-Do you agree with me that humanity would have become exactly as it has become to this day?  In other words, were we, by our human nature, destined to turn out as we have?  Make your agree/disagree arguments.

-Do you think that somewhere along the line, humanity would have been able to rise above who we have become today, and learned to work with, rather than against Earth, and each other?  A Dawn of Correction situation? If yes, what do you see as the impetus for that? Give me specifics.


How do you envision an Earth do-over panning out?

Thanks for thinking about it, posting and recommending.


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