Sunday, August 22, 2021

A little Sunday science pleasure/torture for the right/wrong person

Taking a much-needed mental break from politics, what do you think about “reality?”  Nebulous question, I grant you. ๐Ÿ˜ But more specifically, I’m wondering, is math just one property of reality?  Or is math one and the same with what we think of as reality? Yes, a question right down my alley, and one that is being hotly debated in the science world.

From the World Science Festival (begin viewing at the 1:14:18 mark):


So, is a cucumber, with all its mathematical properties, potentially a Ferrari given a different math structure/configuration?  Is a tree just numbers? 

Task: Argue your POV: That reality IS only math *or* That reality IS NOT only math.

If you see reality as NOT only math (but more), name something, anything, whose properties (at its most fundamental) cannot be described in mathematical terms ...*and*... what precludes that something, making it stand above/outside of math.  IOW, justify your answer.  Any takers here?

(While I'm hoping for it, I'm not expecting much of a turnout here. ๐Ÿ˜‰  That's fine. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing.  No problem.)

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