Monday, August 23, 2021

Chapter review part 2: The New Right and Racism

The New Right and Racism is chapter 6 of Sarah Posner's 2020 book, Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump. Part one of this chapter review centered mostly on the propaganda, and the racism the modern alt-right and ex-president relies heavily on to foment false beliefs, social discord and distrust, thereby gaining significant public support. 

This 2nd review focuses on the catastrophic failure of the MSM (mainstream media) in this mess, and two matters of moral opinion, (i) the inherent dark mindset that some humans have, arguably from birth, and (ii) how much tolerance for ignorance and acceptance of propaganda lies should people of good will in a secular democracy have for a lethal threat in their midst.

The American people are largely ignorant of what the alt-right and New Right are and stand for. Most of the American people have little or no idea of what Christian nationalism is or the history of the New Right and alt-right since the 1950s. On these issues, the MSM deserves a grade of F-, if that grade exists If not, a grade of F will have to do. IMO, that conclusion isn't a close call. It’s brain dead simple.

Posner mentions a couple of examples of ignorant, deceived MSM complicity. 

First and foremost is the Washington Times (WT). Assuming one can call it part of the MSM, a debatable proposition, that propaganda paper is solidly New Right. It tends to be deceptively described as an American conservative daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., or something bland like that. That is a bald faced lie of omission. For years, the WT employed the extreme racist Samuel Francis (1923-1994) as a syndicated columnist. As mentioned in part 1 of this chapter review, Francis is the racist hater who wrote in favor of dictatorship and justified violence by hurt delicate fascist feelings to get satisfaction, e.g., by attacking civil liberties. 

Also included in the list of incompetent MSM outlets are the Washington Post and New York Times.[1] Both of those boobs published and praised some of the later New Right propaganda and saw it as something new and worthy of consideration in American politics. Those idiots had no idea that they were praising fascist racist propaganda. They get a well-deserved F- on this issue for failing to inform the American people  of what they were in the midst of and being deceived by. To this day, most Americans are mostly or completely  unaware of what Christian nationalism is, what its leaders stand for, and how powerful and hateful it is right now.

The inherent human dark mindset
 As best I can tell, a significant proportion (sometimes majority? usually majority?) of modern humans in a culture, a nation, a group or a tribe are born with brains that develop into openness to beliefs in unpleasant ideas, including openness to and embrace of racism and the psychologically comforting lies of demagogues. This seems to be inherent in the human condition that evolution conferred. Erich Fromm focused on this in his 1941 book Escape from Freedom. There, Fromm argued that many people simply cannot handle democracy and freedom due to its inherent complexity and ambiguity. They psychologically need an escape from the burdens and ambiguities of pluralistic freedom.

In my opinion, the New Right and now the alt-right reflect this ever-present aspect of the human condition. It provides a plausible at least partial rationale for why democracies and pluralism are fragile and prone to fall to tyrants and demagogues despite their typical cruelty and lies.

How tolerant should pro-truth and pro-reason patriots be?
Once upon a time, one observer was alleged to have commented on the human condition, saying something about like this: “If a person’s paycheck depends on them not understanding something, it is damn hard to get them to understand.” There is truth in that, but the observation is too narrow. A more encompassing truth is this: If a person’s paycheck, self-esteem, tribe loyalty, self-identity or ideology depends on them not understanding something, it is damn hard to get them to understand, and if they are members of a cult is it essentially impossible to get them to understand.

Most rank and file voters who vote for most modern Republicans probably do not understand what they are voting for. Their paychecks, self-esteem, cult loyalty and whatnot keep them from seeing. Their minds are trapped and blinded. They cannot see.

Does the MSM deserve an F for its failure to adequately report on the New Right and now alt-right, or are the American people reasonably well-informed? Does economic fear keep the MSM from dealing with this competently? If not that, then what?

How much tolerance for that should there be from people who mostly see and accept the alt-right propaganda? Does it matter that those people are often or usually quite intolerant of others they disagree with? Does it matter that they often (usually?) reject differing opinions out of hand, no matter how respectfully they are presented?

1. In 1986, the Washington Post published an essay by the hard core racist Paul Weyrich that argued for a moderate new trend he called cultural conservatism. He called that “the most important political idea” of the times. It was pure propaganda. Weyrich was astute and understood it would take time to bamboozle the press. He commented that reporters would need to be “spoon fed these ideas over and over again” before New Right propaganda started to gain traction. The bamboozled boobs at the New York Times gushed in a 1987 opinion piece that Weyrich’s drivel might be, as Posner described it, “ushering in a new era of conservative compassion and service to others.” What a load of rot from buffaloed fools.

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