Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Fascist Republicans in congress issue direct threats

Yesterday, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) issued a direct threat to telecom and social media companies that comply with the January 6 committee records request.

For emphasis, McCarthy's threat includes this unambiguous threat: "a Republican majority will not forget and will stand with Americans to hold them fully accountable under the law."

So, the obvious questions are (1) whether Democratic records requests are illegal, and (2) whether companies who comply with those record requests are illegal. Apparently, McCarthy’s office could not cite a federal statute that a states company would be in violation of it if they complied with a duly empaneled congressional committee because no statute exists. Because of that, one can reasonably believe that McCarthy's threat is empty under existing law. Nonetheless, given the ambiguities and complexities of corporate laws, vengeful fascist Republicans in congress can find things to go after companies for. Intimidation like that is something companies will pay attention to.

Questions: Is McCarthy's threat (i) just a minor kerfuffle and of no real importance, (ii) not a threat at all, (iii) a significant (fascist) attack on democracy and the rule of law, and/or (iv) a Republican Party attempt to obstruct justice because the records request are legal and have to be complied with?  

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