Wednesday, September 1, 2021

For the People Act

One of my U.S. Senators, Republican Rob Portman, thinks we cannot afford a $3.5 trillion human infrastructure investment.  From Twitter:

Rob Portman



Democrats' $3.5 trillion tax and spending bill will send inflation soaring, raise taxes on American families, and undermine economic growth for years to come.  More in my op-ed for the Dispatch Alerts

Michael Moore thinks otherwise (view time 6:38): 

Link here

Portman’s claim is another example of what I call Capitalism Gone Awry: a perverted viewing of Capitalism as a personal big money maker, the greater society be damned, rather than an engine that drives a free economy to prosperity for virtually all, not just the few "already haves."

So, who is right?  Moore or Portman?  Make your case.

The Michael Moore full interview here:

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