Thursday, September 2, 2021

Words and Phrases that, are like, you know, tiresome!

 Like, whatever!

Then there are all those "Commies, Fascists, Socialists" and other political terms that are SO evident on the internet and in political conversations, it is like, well umm, you know, like - tiresome.

Personally man, whatever just ruffles my feathers. And saying "man" is like, SO 70s man.

What about you? Got any words or phrases you like excommunicated from every day lexicon?

Like Biden always saying "Look....."?

Or "SO?"

or "Thoughts and Prayers?"

or "No worries?"

or how about "I know, right?"

or calling everyone you disagree with a "SNOWFLAKE?"

SO - MAN (and Ladies) - Like, pick your medicine, or whatever floats your boat, or tickles your fancy, or makes you see "red", and give us a list of words AND phrases that need to be exterminated.

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