Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Christian nationalist poison continues to flow into American society

One of the tenets of Christian nationalist (CN) fundamentalism is hate and intolerance of non-heterosexuality. CNs tends to be intensely focused on the sex lives of other people and making sure sex is done properly according to their version of God. 
A LGBTQ Nation article, GOP bill would ban teachers from talking about LGBTQ people because it “offends Christian values”, reports on a pending law in Tennessee that reflects the hatred that intolerant CN ideology has toward non-heterosexuals and their sexual behaviors: 
Critics say the bill would lead to more bullying. Proponents say that their religious values are more important.

Republicans in Tennessee have introduced a new bill that would prohibit any mentioning of LGBTQ history or teaching of any LGBTQ issues in school during the 1st legislative session.

Introduced by Tennessee Rep. Bruce Griffey (R), Tennessee H.B. 800 is the latest bill targeting the LGBTQ community brought forth by Republicans in early 2022.

This bill sponsored by Griffey would ban textbooks and other instructional materials in public schools that “promote, normalize, support or address LGBT issues or lifestyle.”

The reason behind this? It is because it would offend those with “Christian values.”

This is what Griffey wrote in the bill, spelling out the raison d’ĂȘtre behind his bill in plain English:

WHEREAS, the promotion of LGBT issues and lifestyles in public schools offends a significant portion of students, parents, and Tennessee residents with Christian values;

Griffey’s bill would forcibly restrict the discussion of LGBTQ issues by subjecting them to the same restrictions and limitations placed on the teaching of religion in public schools.

This idea was not lost on critics, who see this bill as an attempt at bullying LGBTQ people. 
In 2021, Tennessee passed a bill that would require a school district to notify parents before “providing a sexual orientation curriculum or gender identity curriculum” in any kind of instruction, including but not limited to education on sexuality. Tennessee’s legislature also voted to ban trans children from playing sports on teams that match their gender identity (Lambda Legal & the ACLU among others have brought a lawsuit against this bill).

Tennessee in 2021 also passed a bill that would force any businesses in Tennessee to place a gender neutral sign in order to allow trans individuals to use the bathroom (though an injunction has been granted against this bill), and subsequently the Volunteer State banned doctors from providing life-saving gender affirming care to trans youth.

That says a lot about intolerant, cruel, hypocritical, anti-secular, anti-democratic and authoritarian theocratic CN ideology. Most CN fundamentalist elites want biblical Christian Sharia law to be the supreme law of the land, above even the US Constitution.[1] These radical anti-democratic theocrats deploy sophisticated propaganda that intentionally conflates teaching of religion with teaching of secular topics. Human sex is not a religion. Self-centered CN radical elites care only about what offends them and what they demand from everyone else. What other people might think or want are irrelevant at most, evil at worst. 

1. It's not clear what most of the rank and file think or even know about CN and its inherently anti-secular, pro-theocracy ideology. The elites funding and running the CN political movement, like the modern GOP, is disciplined, expert at propaganda and prefers to operate with as much secrecy and plausible deniability as it can. That effectively hides the real intentions and goals from most average people who are not paying that much attention and/or are trapped in propaganda echo chambers that have mislead them into a raft of false beliefs and acceptance of crackpottery. It is possible that most rank and file supporters do not know what CN ideology is or that they are supporting it with their donations and/or votes for CN politicians. Public knowledge and understanding of the CN political theocratic movement is abysmal. 

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