Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Mitch McConnell and his subtle but effective anti-democratic propaganda

He's not nearly as stupid as he looks

Multiple sources breathlessly reported that Mitch McConnell has "broken with" the GOP Party line about the 1/6 coup attempt being legitimate political discourse. What a load of rot. The MSM gets a well-deserved grade of F on reporting, or actually failing to report. 

Once source quoted McConnell as saying: 
"It was a violent insurrection with the purpose of trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election. .... This issue is whether or not the RNC (Republican National Committee) should be sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views from the majority. That’s not the job of the RNC."

McConnell's anti-democratic propaganda is in two things he did not say
He could not bring himself to say that the election was free and fair. All he could say without blowing up his fantasyland Trump party was that it was a violent insurrection to prevent a peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election

Yeah, the election was legitimately certified. Everyone with even a tiny shred of grounding in reality knows that. Aliens in parallel universes know it. Hamsters and crocodiles the world over know it. Well OK, maybe not the crocodiles.

What McConnell did not say is glaring: 

The election itself was free and fair, not stolen.

Why not say it? Obviously, he did not say that to safely keep the deceived and betrayed Republican base falsely believing that the 2020 election was stolen and Biden is illegitimate (and horrible, and a cannibalistic pedophile, and a socialist tyrant, and a lizard person, and etc.). McConnell left untouched the unpleasant, threatening thought that the election and Biden were both legitimate. Only the transfer of power was legitimate, not the election itself. The cognitive dissonance for the "election was stolen" base would have been just too much. Maybe even so much that McConnell would lose some votes in his next election. Nah, that's not possible. Never mind that last point.

The other glaringly obvious thought that McConnell left unspoken was about what what the RNC and nearly all other Republican elites believe. He said it was not the RNC's job to "sort of" single out party members "who may have different views from the majority." Those the RNC singled out were Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger who are cooperating with the House investigation of the 1/6 coup attempt.

Here, McConnell is saying the majority of the GOP have views different from what Kinzinger and Cheney hold. What he is clearly implying is this:

The majority of the GOP does not believe that the 1/6 coup attempt merits investigation because it was not important enough to investigate and/or because any investigation is merely a partisan witch hunt and thus illegitimate. 

So what did the MSM focus on? It focused on the diversion that McConnell purposely put in his statement, namely he called 1/6 a violent insurrection, thereby "breaking with" the RNC's crackpot narrative that 1/6 was an act of legitimate political discourse. McConnell broke with the RNC and GOP as little as he possibly could. His break amounts to nothing of any significance.

That is how screwed up, anti-democratic and immoral the Republican Party is in 2022. But, to its credit, it has some very sophisticated propagandists on its team who are working ruthlessly against a largely clueless and/or subverted MSM. A pox on the GOP's morally rotten, anti-democratic house.

But waddabout the MSM here? Excellent question. Here, the MSM took McConnell's deflection bait, hook, line, sinker, fishing rod, fisherperson, boat, boat trailer and Ford F150 pickup the trailer is hitched to. They swallowed it all. Dumbfucks.[1]

Questions: Or, do I overstate or misunderstand the situation, get it wrong or am I otherwise out to lunch on this? Do I owe the MSM an apology, because what McConnell said is just what the MSM reports it to be?

1. Early on, when Facebook was still young and growing rapidly, but had become well-known, a reporter asked Mark Zuckerberg what he thought of people willingly giving him and everyone he sells it to all their personal information? His four-word response: "Dumbfucks, they trust me."*** I'm starting to think of the MSM as being as much of a Facebook sort of thing than something helpful to democracy. 

*** To be fair, Zuckerberg has since backpedaled and said his opinion has "evolved." He just didn't say evolved into what. I suspect his evolved opinion is something like this "Double dumbfucks, they still trust me -- my God are they stupid."

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