Monday, May 16, 2022

The Faux News Chronicles: Its conspiracy theory inspires a mass murder

We all know that Faux News is a constant source of propaganda, lies, slanders and fun entertainment in the form of crackpot conspiracies and pushed emotional buttons. The fun entertainment provokes a gamut of fun feelings from self-righteous moral outrage and disgust to irrational terror and hate. One source, Mother Jones, reports on evidence that the recent mass shooting in Buffalo NY arises from terror the faux White Replacement theory inspires in millions of conservatives. They feel terror and horrendous threat from an impending White person apocalypse caused by minority people demanding equality. Apparently, the terrorized White folks see equality as oppression and tyranny, or something like that. 
And don't forget it!

As discussed here a few weeks ago, research data indicates that fear of White Replacement by minorities was and is the most important factor in public support for the ex-president and his racism and hate. 

The Buffalo Shooter’s Manifesto Relied on the Same White Supremacist Conspiracy Pushed by Tucker Carlson

The mass shooting inside a crowded, Buffalo, New York, supermarket on Saturday, which killed 10 people and injured three more, is renewing fierce condemnation of the racist conspiracy known as the “great replacement theory,” after a racist manifesto believed to have been written by the gunman was uncovered online.

The theory is popular among white supremacists and is predicated on the racist falsehood that white people are purposely being replaced by people of color. It’s reportedly all over the 180-page manifesto written by the alleged gunman, a white 18-year-old who drove hours from his home to perpetrate the attack, in which he outlined detailed plans to carry out Saturday’s massacre. Those plans revealed that the alleged gunman specifically targeted the supermarket because its neighborhood had a high percentage of Black residents. “Zip code 14208 in Buffalo has the highest black percentage that is close enough to where I live,” a line from the manifesto reads.

Also reportedly referenced in the manifesto is the gunman who killed 49 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2019. At the time, a similarly racist document was found online, in which the gunman cited “invaders” and millions of people coming across the border “invited by the state and corporate entities to replace the White people who have failed to reproduce.”  
Beyond the massacre in Christchurch, fears of a “great replacement” have fueled numerous mass shootings and other acts of violence against immigrant communities in the US in recent years, including the 2019 El Paso mass shooting inside a Walmart store. .... The theory became especially popular during the Trump administration when right-wing media, the president, and some Republican members of Congress openly promoted the same viciously racist views and warned of a violent “invasion” of immigrants.  
But the most prominent espouser of the theory has arguably been Tucker Carlson. In a damning three-part series examining Carlson’s outsized role in stoking white supremacist fears, the New York Times recently found that Carlson has long pushed the false conspiracy theory that Democrats were carrying out an elaborate mission to bring “more obedient voters from the third world” in order to replace the current electorate and win elections. Carlson has even defended the theory’s role in motivating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol building.
There’s the threat White people. Unless Whites start shelling out boatloads of White babies, they will be replaced by hoards of rapist, drug dealing, pedophilic, illegal immigrant socialist tyrants. Those horrible illegal minority people breed like rabbits compared to God-fearing, moral White folks. 

Tucker: Us innocent, moral White folk will be replaced by 
force by those guilty, immoral not White folk

Stay tuned to Faux for more entertaining 
crackpottery, terror and moral outrage by Tucker, 
coming up right after these messages about pillows
stuffed with shredded polyurethane foam

Hello fellow Faux crackpots and deranged conspiracy theory freaks
My pillows arent very toxic and I will prove soon 
that the 2020 election was stolen

And as a bonus, the plastic foam in my pillows is guaranteed to 
never biodegrade so our legacy will be landfills loaded with my 
patent pending Forever Foam!

The pillows’ filling is made from 100% polyurethane foam which makes them shapeable, fluffable, and easy to fold. The polyfoam is shredded which is intended to enhance the breathability of the pillow, and make it easier to manipulate under the cover fabric. Polyfoam has a fluffy, cushy feel often found in mattress toppers or couch cushions.

What more could anyone ask for fun entertainment and 
sources of fill for landfill?
Go Faux News!

 Now, back to more moral outrage and deranged crackpottery from Tucker, the 

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