Saturday, January 14, 2023

News bits: American style hate & bigotry goes global, etc.

Twitter has become a global hellscape of hate and fascism: 
Hate speech rises on Twitter in its
largest markets after Musk takeover

Those cuts went deepest outside North America, where more than 75 percent of the company’s 280 million daily users live and where Twitter already had fewer moderators who understood local languages and cultural references and where the political landscape could be chaotic and prone to violence.

Musk cut virtually all staff in Brazil, allowing an unmoderated surge in misinformation that helped fuel this month’s attacks on the country’s government center.

.... the platform had already been like a “sewer” in her country [Australia] before Musk let some of the worst users back on.

“You can’t expect them not to behave like sewer rats, and you probably should expect that further pestilence is going to expand to the user base,” said Inman Grant, who has written the company twice and reminded it that she can order abusive material to be taken down. “It’s becoming a cesspool.”
That is the kind of serious damage a single fascist billionaire can do to truth and democracy. Musk now ranks right up there with Rupert Murdoch and other top fascist propagandists.


Why we will never know the truth about the origin of COVID: The WaPo reports that China has revised its official COVID death toll from 37 to 60,000. We all knew that the official death toll was a gigantic lie. Apparently the whopper became so blatant that even professional liars could not maintain it. That tells you how much you can trust about anything the Chinese government says about COVID. I bet the real death toll is at least about 200,000, but we are never going to know, are we?


Christofascist Republican Party plans -- Exonerate Trump!!: In addition to impeaching, investigating and slandering lots of Democrats including Joe and Hunter Biden, House Christofascists are probably going to expunge the impeachment of Trump for his role in the 1/6 coup attempt. House fascist leader McCarthy commented: “But I understand why individuals want to do it, and we’d look at it.” 

Millions of well-meaning people still do not see much in the way of threat to democracy, truth or civil liberties from the Republican Party. Apparently, most do not see fascism, theocracy or brass knuckles capitalism. The next two years are going to be a real festival of fascism, theocracy and brass knuckles capitalism grounded in lies, slanders and more crackpottery than even QAnon can handle. Well, OK, Qanon can handle it.

Infrastructure alert!
We are gonna need a bigger clown car!

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