Friday, January 13, 2023

Vote fraud update: Republicans are guilty again

The GOP continues to howl in self-righteous moral outrage at all the massive vote fraud in elections. So far, most of what tiny little has been found has been by Republicans. Business Insider writes:
Republican candidate's wife arrested and charged with casting 
23 fraudulent votes for her husband in the 2020 election

Kim Phuong Taylor was arrested Thursday and accused of multiple counts of voter fraud.

Prosecutors say Taylor cast 23 fraudulent votes for her husband in the 2020 election.

Jeremy Taylor, her husband, is an elected Republican.

Yes indeed, one can reasonably argue that we should wait for the case to be decided in court. But in view of the last few years of Christofascist Republican politics, one can reasonably tentatively believe that Kim Phuong Taylor is guilty. Republican ideologues appear to have far less respect for the rule of law than Democratic ideologues or Democrats generally.

Compared to the ~20 alleged fraudulent votes that the radical right DeSantis allegedly found in Florida, Republican vote fraud in Iowa is much worse than in Florida. Because of that, Iowa should be stripped of its 1st place in Democratic Party primaries, while it should stay 1st in Republican Primaries.

23 fraudulent votes? The horror, the horror . . . . . LOCK HER UP!! LOCK HER UP!! LOCK HER UP FOREVER!! HECK, EXECUTE HER!!! 

That is just fair and balanced, far more than what the raging hater, blatant liar and self-professed incompetent nincompoop Tucker Carlson recently said in public about all liberals in America:
“That loathing [of liberals] clouded my judgment. I was like, ‘I dislike these people so much. What they’re doing is so wrong. It is helping so few people and hurting so many. It’s so immoral on every level that I just want it to be repudiated.’ And I wanted that so much, not because I like the Republicans — I really dislike them more than I ever have — but I dislike the other side more,” he added, saying, “I did learn that, like, I have no freaking idea what goes on in American politics.”
MAGA!! He has no freaking idea of what goes on in American politics!!

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