Saturday, April 8, 2023

From the pro-life Republican Party…

North Dakota Senate Votes to Increase Its Own Meal Budget After Rejecting Free School Lunch Bill

Just over a week ago, North Dakota lawmakers voted to prevent giving free school lunches to low-income students. Then, on Thursday, they voted to increase the amount of money they get to spend on their own lunch.

Debating free school lunch for low-income kids, North Dakota State Sen. Mike Wobbema (R) says families are to blame for their hunger: "It’s really the problem of parents being negligent with their kids, if their kids are choosing to eat in the first place."

The bill died, 23-24.

— Heartland Signal (@HeartlandSignal) March 29, 2023 Link here.

On Thursday, the Senate voted 26–21 to pass a bill to raise per diem meal reimbursements for state employees traveling within the state, from $35 to $45.

Now I don’t know all the ins-and-outs of these bills.  And I do know politics and the media can be overly dramatic in presenting the so-called facts.  But on its face, this stinks to their high heaven. 

If there is a problem with parents abusing the allowances for their kids lunches, work on fixing that.  Don't scrap the allowance altogether for such kids in need.

Q: Do you agree that there is something wrong with this picture?  What’s the justification for decreasing meals for kids, while increasing meal allowances for your own meals?  Explain that to me.

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