Saturday, April 8, 2023

News bits: Christofascist judge bites nationwide abortion access hard: Etc.

By now, we are all very familiar with US District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in the fascist state of Texas. He has become a favorite forum for American Christofascist theocrats seeking to desecularize America by ramming God's fv#!ed-up rules into our unwilling lives. I've been watching this case and now, as I confidently expected, the Christian nationalist poison flows out into the light. 

Multiple sources are reporting on this major, unwarranted intrusion of Christian Sharia law into American society. Bloomberg reports:
Abortion Pill to Be Blocked Nationwide Under Judge’s Order

Trump-appointed judge upends FDA approval of mifepristone

A federal judge in Texas issued a ruling Friday on the medication abortion drug mifepristone, saying he will suspend the FDA’s two-decade-old approval – but paused his ruling for seven days so the federal government can appeal.

Less than two hours later, a federal judge in Washington state ruled the FDA must keep medication abortion drugs available in more than a dozen Democratic-led states.

The two decisions mark the most significant abortion-related rulings since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year.
One important point to know is that this is the first time ever that a federal judge has forced a drug the FDA approved as safe and effective off the market for no reason. Mifepristone has been on the market for about 20 years. There is no valid reason for any federal judge to make such an outrageous, clearly illegal decision. 

Another warning about Christian nationalism (CN)
I keep providing rock solid evidence showing the very real power and obvious intent of American Christofascism. I will keep warning about how dead serious the CN movement is about getting rid of secular Constitutional law and replacing it with Christian Sharia law. The CN movement holds secular law in open contempt and refuses to acknowledge its validity. God's law trumps the Constitution, settled law and public opinion. This is another warning about the rise and power of toxic Christofascism in American government, law, society and commerce.


Regarding ignorance of the law: The NYT writes:
Justice Clarence Thomas said on Friday that he had followed the advice of “colleagues and others in the judiciary” when he did not disclose lavish gifts and travel from a wealthy conservative donor.

In a statement released by the Supreme Court, the justice said he believed he was not required to report the trips.

In a statement, the justice said that he had followed past guidance from others at the court, but that he would now comply with new guidelines and disclose gifts and free travel.
How is it possible that a US Supreme Court justice could not know his legal obligation to disclose gifts? It is easily possible if the judge feels he is above the law. Here, Thomas really is above the law. He will face little repercussion for his law breaking, just like T**** has faced little legal repercussion throughout his adult life.

Also note that those sources of legal advice that Thomas claims to have followed are unnamed. They are unnamed because they probably don't exist. Even if someone comes forward now and says, ‘I gave Clarence bad advice 20 years ago’, I would not believe it unless (i) the bad advice was recorded or in writing, (ii) made public, and (iii) the authenticity of the evidence independently verified as genuine. Genuine verification means not verified by Mike Lindell, Ginny Thomas, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, any Republican federal judge, Tucker Carlson, Donald T**** or any other Republican elite. 

Regarding American fascism in Tennessee: One of the outrageous things about Republicans in the Tennessee legislature is their blatant, insulting irrationality about their fascism. Yesterday, NPR broadcast comments by a radical right Republican legislative leader who justified expelling two Black lawmakers. His justification was stupid and ridiculous. It was an outrageous insult.

In essence, the fascist excuse for expelling the two Black guys, but not the White lady, was that they disrupted legislative proceedings on the very topic, gun safety legislation, that the expelled lawmakers wanted to see progress on. What??? Impeding progress on gun safety legislation?? In Tennessee?? Oh for Fv#^'s sake. No one outside an insane asylum is that mentally impaired.

What an outrageous insult. The Tennessee legislature is controlled by radical right Republicans. They have no intention of ever passing a meaningful gun safety law. It has had decades to pass meaningful gun safety law. Why is a short peaceful protest somehow any impediment to the legislature not doing what it had no intent to ever do?

Equally insulting is fascist Tennessee Republican propaganda comparing the peaceful protest to the 1/6 coup attempt. Fascist arrogance here just takes one's breath away. 

The insults and contempt of the fascists is what finally led to switching from calling it and them radical right authoritarian to calling to what it is, i.e., fascism, Christofascism, American fascism and the like. Divisive or not, it's just a matter of calling a spade a spade.

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