Tuesday, December 12, 2023

News bits: China’s cyberwar update; The GOP’s spinectomy; Dark free speech on the march

This is just a reminder. The brutal dictators who rule China wage a constant cyberwar against the US. The war will not end for decades, assuming it ever ends. The WaPo reported about recent attacks: 
China’s cyber army is invading critical U.S. services

The Chinese military is ramping up its ability to disrupt key American infrastructure, including power and water utilities as well as communications and transportation systems, according to U.S. officials and industry security officials.

Hackers affiliated with China’s People’s Liberation Army have burrowed into the computer systems of about two dozen critical entities over the past year, these experts said.

The intrusions are part of a broader effort to develop ways to sow panic and chaos or snarl logistics in the event of a U.S.-China conflict in the Pacific, they said.

Among the victims are a water utility in Hawaii, a major West Coast port and at least one oil and gas pipeline, people familiar with the incidents told The Washington Post. The hackers also attempted to break into the operator of Texas’s power grid, which operates independently from electrical systems in the rest of the country.

Several entities outside the United States, including electric utilities, also have been victimized by the hackers, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.  
The disclosures to The Post build on the annual threat assessment in February by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which warned that China “almost certainly is capable” of launching cyberattacks that would disrupt U.S. critical infrastructure, including oil and gas pipelines and rail systems.
So, while TARRRs (treasonous, authoritarian radical right Republicans) in congress piss precious time away with vicious stupidity like bitching about Biden and impeaching him for no particular reason, our enemies continue to gnaw away at democracy, truth and the American people. 

 Senate TARRRs are undergoing a public spinectomy. This delicate medical operation to remove the GOP’s spine is nauseating but informative to see. The Hill reports:
Senate Republicans allied with former President Trump are stepping up calls for the rest of the GOP to rally around him as the party’s inevitable nominee for president and warn that fellow Republicans who hold back are giving aid and comfort to Joe Biden.

Trump’s commanding lead in the polls has strengthened his influence with Republicans in Congress, tilting political momentum on Capitol Hill in favor of demands for major border security reforms and away from funding the war in Ukraine.

GOP senators have softened their public skepticism about the push in the House to impeach Biden — which Trump has encouraged House lawmakers to pursue — and have largely stopped entertaining the hope that someone other than Trump may emerge as the victor in next year’s primary.

The failure of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) or former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) to break through as the viable alternative to Trump in any of the four Republican presidential debates is prompting Trump’s Senate allies to now call for an early end to the race.
Since re-election for the TARRRs is more important than anything, one can reasonably expect the morally rotted cowards to fall in line and support DJT. They will pretend he is just another garden variety Republican patriot candidate instead. They will assiduously avoid any mention that he is an utterly corrupt fornicating liar and traitor. Here the vaunted and popular KYMS tactic will be enthusiastically employed, while the TARRRs maintain a high level self-righteous roar and howl over impeaching Biden and getting to the bottom of what is on Hunter’s laptop.


CNN reports about self-professed dark free speech “absolutist”, bullshitter, liar and hypocrite Elon Musk ramping up efforts to increase the level of lies, slanders and crackpot conspiracy theories on his Xitter hellscape:
Elon Musk said the account of right-wing extremist Alex Jones would be reinstated on X, reversing a 2018 decision by the company’s previous management to deplatform the notorious conspiracy theorist after he repeatedly broke rules prohibiting harassment and hate.

On Saturday morning, Musk posted an unscientific poll to his account asking users of the platform if Jones should be reinstated. By Saturday evening when the poll closed, about 70% of nearly 2 million respondents had voted “yes.”

Early Sunday morning, Musk replied to the poll saying, “The people have spoken and so it shall be.” [bullshit]

Musk acknowledged Saturday that reinstating Jones would “be bad for X financially,” [liar] but he argued “principles matter more than money.” [? Bwaaahahahaha!! liar] Musk has sought to portray himself as a free speech absolutist, though he has taken action to curtail the speech of critics. [hypocrite]

Musk said last year that he would not lift the ban on Jones because of his false claims that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax. But in recent days, following an interview with Tucker Carlson — another extremist right-wing personality who was fired by Fox News earlier this year — there has been significant pressure aimed at Musk from Jones’ right-wing allies demanding his account be restored.

Musk’s flip-flop [shameless hypocrisy]

Musk said last November that he would not reinstate Jones’ account, even as he brought back other controversial figures. The billionaire explained his position at the time by citing Bible verses and his own personal experience losing his first child to sudden infant death syndrome.

“My firstborn child died in my arms. I felt his last heartbeat,” Musk tweeted. “I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame.”
[liar] [here Musk refers to what Jones said about the murdered children at Sandy Hook elementary school]
For context about Jones’ not-quite free speech filth (it was held to be illegal defamation in a lawsuit) that Jones spewed from his InfoWars hellscape that got him banned from the Xitter in the first place:
“One of the questions I really have to just get out of the way and I and you’re probably talking about this already before is the whole Sandy Hook thing,” Musk ask Jones. “So what exactly did you say and what is wrong with that situation?”

In response, Jones said that he was simply trying to cover the news of the mass shooting [liar], noting that he fell victim to a politically motivated judge [liar], noting former President Trump’s ongoing legal challenges in New York.
“And so suddenly I would wake up and there would be sometimes 100 articles or more a day, every major news channel saying that I was currently saying nobody died [truth] currently sending people to their houses, currently peeing on graves,” Jones added.

Jones also said that he had to give numerous apologies for his comments about Sandy Hook, claiming that he was just playing “devil’s advocate” [liar] and he did not believe the shooting was staged [liar].

.... I’m really just a guy [liar]…talk radio host. So I do that on the Internet. I just take calls and interview guests and that I play devil’s advocate,” [liar] Jones explained. “And if that hurt people’s feelings, I apologize [liar]. But I did not send people to your houses [liar]. I did not pee on graves [liar]. I don’t know any of the stuff that went on. [liar]”  
Jones received massive criticism and scrutiny for promoting conspiracy theories, including his one on Sandy Hook. He stated that the massacre, which left 20 children dead, was a so-called false flag event that was designed to shore up support for gun control.
It would be reassuring and nice to say that things can’t get worse in America. Unfortunately, things can get a hell of a lot worse. America has not yet come very close to hitting a rock bottom bigoted, kleptocratic tyranny built on lies, slanders, hate and racism. We're just at a point along the path to hell where the dark free speech filth like what Alex Jones spews in public is now publicly celebrated by  morally rotted, authoritarian radical right elites. Filth speech is now normalized and on an equal footing with respectful honest speech.  

Woof! That was fun and invigorating. 😊

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