Monday, December 11, 2023

The right balance…

From an economic standpoint, when it comes to the type of government people want, they are generally of two different mindsets.  Here’s my subjective breakdown:

The Type 1 Mindset

They prefer a limited (small) government that stays out of ALL financial aspects of their lives (here in the U.S., often thought of as Republicans who resist all regulations, especially when big capitalistic personal profits hang in the balance).  Or…

The Type 2 Mindset

They prefer an overarching (big) government that oversees and coordinates the larger society’s financial business (often what has been called the “tax and spend Democrats”).  

And then you got your third and fourth groups:

The Type 3 Mindset

They have no real opinion.  The "Clueless."  They go with the flow, accepting whatever comes their way, no questions asked (“Hey, wake me up when it’s over. I haven’t got time for the pain and nonsense of politics.”). Or…

The Type 4 Mindset

They want some kind of combo-platter; a little of this and a little of that. For this type, whether to limit or broaden the government, depends on what’s at stake.  Menu-like, they will pick and choose, giving a thumbs up or thumbs down, based on categories such as national debt, budget, regulations, military, social safety nets, infrastructure and other societal improvements, etc. and etc.).  I'm guessing these types consider themselves the "Independents."

Of course, for drama, I overly simplify here. Like most everything in life, it’s much more complicated than I’m making it out to be. But, for conversation’s sake, humor me here. 😉

So finally, here’s the question: Generally speaking, what kind of grouping, category, that I’ve laid out above, do you more fit into?  Type 1, 2, 3, or 4?  Or are you a Type 5 (other)?

Explain yourself. 

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