Monday, December 11, 2023

News bits: An encouraging global warming poll; Romney’s irrelevance; Journalist's irrelevance; Etc.

 CNN reports about a poll it conducted:

CNN poll: Large majority of US adults and half of Republicans agree 
with Biden’s goal to slash climate pollution

Nearly two-thirds of US adults say they are worried about the threat of climate change in their communities, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. More than half are worried about the impact of extreme weather, as the climate crisis touches every region in the form of extreme heat, devastating storms and drought.

Even more want the federal government to do something about it. A broad majority of US adults – 73% – say the federal government should develop its climate policies with the goal of cutting the country’s planet-warming pollution in half by the end of the decade.

That’s good news.

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, threw cold water on House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, saying he does not “see any evidence” that the president's actions warrant his removal from office.

Romney, who has long criticized the GOP's direction, said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that House Republicans “ought to have some evidence” of wrongdoing before opening an impeachment inquiry.
House Republicans “ought to have some evidence” of wrongdoing? It’s a safe bet that those comments won't change many minds, if any.

Former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly said former President Donald Trump is not as “mentally sharp” as he once was.

“There's no question that Trump has lost a step or multiple steps,” Kelly told conservative commentator Glenn Beck on Friday. “He is confusing Joe Biden for Obama. I know he's now saying he intentionally did that — go back and look at the clips, it wasn't intentional.”

She noted that he is making mistakes “repeatedly,” including “confusing countries, confusing cities where he is.”
Making mistakes, confusing Biden for Obama? Although it is true, it’s a safe bet that won't change many minds, if any.

A snippet from reddit law (r/law):

The peanut gallery had a couple of interesting observations:

1. It's almost as if he's some kind of hypocrite.
2. What the rich asshats really mean -“If we erode freedom of [my] speech....” 
3. Nothing says free speech like a good old lawsuit suing someone for exercising free speech.

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