Saturday, February 3, 2024

Help me understand...

In yesterday’s DisPol OP (please review this link) regarding the Georgia RICO case against Trump, Germaine wrote:

Roman is a radical right authoritarian activist and professional political dirt digger. Maybe the Georgia case will fall apart, but it is still too early to know. At this point, there is still too much the public has not been made aware of. I just get a real bad vibe from what has happened and is happening now. Radical right authoritarian state legislators are just itching to quash the lawsuit and this gives them an excuse.

Yeah, I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about all that (Willis being caught up in (let’s call it) a “sex scandal” with Wade).  I had heard several things about it:

  • That Wade was not qualified to take on a lead prosecutor role due to little experience, yet he was catapulted into that position by Fani Willis, who personally hired him;
  • Large amounts of money were paid to him and his firm;
  • Wade and Willis vacationing with each other using public funds;
  • Their relationship didn’t happen until AFTER he was put in the prosecutor’s position; … 

Now I know that schtuff happens when people are in the middle of a messy divorce.  I met my own husband when he was in the middle of a messy divorce.  So, who am I, right?

My problem/conundrum is that we are blaming Trump for his affair with Stormy Danials but we shouldn’t blame Willis, a government official, for pretty much the same kind of activities?  I’m no prude but Willis hiding her affair is not a lot different than Trump trying to hide his affair(s) with a porn star, is it?  Yes, he was running for president at the time and wanted to cover it up because it might cost him votes. 

Anyway, these are some of the questions running through my mind:

  1. Can we/Should we expect more from Willis than from Trump?  How is one better/worse than the other?
  2. Is any political office(r) obligated to be forthright with their personal life, however “steamy”, including Willis?
  3. Can we be upset with Trump but NOT upset with Willis?  Isn’t that a double standard?

Help me understand why one is different than the other.  I.e., why I shouldn’t forgive Trump, but I should forgive Willis??

How do I reconcile the two?  I need (logical) help.

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