Saturday, February 3, 2024

News bits: Choo-choo train company sleaze; Etc.

From the Corrupt Capitalism & Politics Files: A year after East Palestine derailment, rail industry blocks new safety rules -- The nation’s largest rail operators — including Norfolk Southern, the freight railroad behind the 2023 accident — have sought to weaken proposed regulations that might prevent chemical spills and other incidents .... Rail industry lobbyists also fought the Biden administration on even the most basic upgrades, from efforts to ensure that engineers have special breathing equipment onboard to new rules that would require miles-long trains to be staffed with more than one person. The staunch opposition has bogged down some federal action while leaving Congress unable to hold a single vote on rail safety legislation in the House or Senate.

From the Failing Rule of Law Files: Slowpoke federal appeals court puts 2024 election in jeopardy -- It is approaching four weeks since a federal appeals court considered Donald Trump’s audacious claim that he should enjoy absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for his actions as president. Under ordinary circumstances, it can take months for appellate judges to produce a ruling. In the current case, this delay borders on unconscionable. It plays right into Trump’s hands.

From the Well, Duh!, They Watch Faux News (or don't watch anything) Files:  Most Republicans aren’t aware of Trump’s various legal issues -- Polling released by CNN on Thursday shows that only a quarter of voters seek out news about the campaign; a third pay little to no attention at all. As it turns out, even major developments often fly under the average American’s radar. New polling conducted by YouGov shows that only a bit over half of the country on average is aware of the various legal challenges Trump faces. And among those Republicans on whose political support he depends? Consistently, only a minority say they are aware of his lawsuits and charges.

From the Why Republicans Hate Giving the IRS a Budget For Collecting Taxes Files: The IRS has collected more than $500 million in back taxes from delinquent millionaires -- On Friday, the IRS unveiled new numbers on the amount of back taxes paid by millionaire households ever since a 2022 upgrade brought tougher IRS enforcement on businesses and superwealthy tax delinquents and dodgers. IRS officials said they’ve pulled in a further $360 million from millionaire households with at least $250,000 in tax debts. That follows an October IRS announcement that $160 million in delinquent taxes had been raked back from wealthy households.

Hm, . . . .  $360 million from millionaire households with at least $250,000 in tax debts. . . . . YIKES!! Give the IRS a bigger budget to collect taxes. It is no wonder at all that the kleptocratic Repub Party hates the IRS collecting taxes.

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