Friday, February 23, 2024

News bits: Christofascism rising; Authoritarian public anti-health; Etc.

Christian nationalist freak and MAGA fan Jack Posobiec comments briefly to the CPAC audience. CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) is a misnomer. This influential group is more accurately referred to as the TTKCPPAC (Trump Tyranny, Kleptocracy. Christofascism & Plutocracy Political Action Conference). 

Christian nationalists are starting to have the guts to just come out and say what is on their mind, even if they later deny it or lie by saying they did not mean what they said:

A peanut gallery observer commented: Remember when Jack Posobiec was caught trying to cheat on his pregnant wife? The dating app he was using confirmed it was him (not an imposter) and deleted his profile because they don't like bigots. I love how most of these conservative Christians are total dirtbags.

The WaPo reports about the Florida surgeon general ignoring standard procedures in the face of a measles outbreak in a school:
As a Florida elementary school tries to contain a growing measles outbreak, the state’s top health official is giving advice that runs counter to science and may leave unvaccinated children at risk of contracting one of the most contagious pathogens on Earth, clinicians and public health experts said.

Florida surgeon general Joseph A. Ladapo failed to urge parents to vaccinate their children or keep unvaccinated students home from school as a precaution in a letter to parents at the Fort Lauderdale-area school this week following six confirmed measles cases.

Instead of following what he acknowledged was the “normal” recommendation that parents keep unvaccinated children home for up to 21 days — the incubation period for measles — Ladapo said the state health department “is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance.”  
The controversial move by Ladapo follows a pattern of bucking public health norms, particularly when it comes to vaccines. Last month, he called for halting the use of mRNA coronavirus [COVID] vaccines, in a move decried by the public health community.
The CDC comments: About 1 to 3 of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurologic complications. Measles may cause pregnant women who have not had the MMR vaccine to give birth prematurely, or have a low-birth-weight baby.

Wonderful. Anti-vaxx freaks get their pseudoscience from toxic crackpot places like QAnon. They refuse to get themselves and their kids vaccinated. Then, as herd immunity is lost, infectious diseases start causing outbreaks, occasionally killing some. Authoritarian MAGA-type idiots tell disinformed parents nothing at all, leaving them free to send their infected child back to school so they can infect more people. That is how MAGA works. 

From the Endless Palestinian Misery Files: The WaPo reports: Gaza aid delivery hampered by Israeli attacks on police, rising chaos -- The volume of aid delivered to Gaza has collapsed in recent weeks as Israeli airstrikes have targeted police officers who guard the convoys, U.N. officials say, exposing them to looting by criminal gangs and desperate civilians. On average, only 62 trucks have entered Gaza each day over the past two weeks, according to figures from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs — well below the 200 trucks per day Israel has committed to facilitating.

Starve em to death!

HEY! Where is that green country 
sneaking off to?

From the Cynical Lies and Blither Files: The New Republic reports about Nikki Haley doing what TTKP (Trump Tyranny & Kleptocracy Party, formerly the Republican Party) elites do when they say something idiotic or false and then in damage control mode, they tell us they did not say what they said:
Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is frantically trying to quell the controversy over comments she made about IVF after an Alabama court’s recent ruling that frozen embryos are children.

“We don’t want fertility treatment to shut down, we don’t want them to stop doing IVF treatment, we don’t want them to stop doing artificial insemination,” Haley said on CNN on Thursday. “But I think this needs to be decided by the people in every state. Don’t take away the rights of these physicians and these parents to have these conversations.”

It was Haley’s second such attempt to explain away her controversial stance on the issue. On Wednesday evening, Haley blurted out a much more gibberish response.

“Well first off all, this is, again, I didn’t say that I agreed with the Alabama ruling. The question that I was asked is ‘do I believe an embryo is a baby?’” Haley said on CNN Wednesday evening. “I do think that if you look in the definition, an embryo is considered an unborn baby. And so yes, I believe, from my stance, that that is.”

But calling an embryo—the stage before the microscopic cellular mass is labeled a fetus—an unborn baby is not exactly correct.

In Handmaid’s Tale-esque fashion, Haley has tried to toe the line on the issue of third party fertility in a futile effort to keep voters from turning away from her floundering campaign, even though she conceived her son via artificial insemination.
There does not seem to be a single elite politician in the TTKP with one shred of morality. All we get from that party of moral rot is lies, deflections, denials, and insulting bullshit.

Nikkis role model

Sarahs role model

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