Saturday, February 24, 2024

News: Rut roh! The Christofascist dress code; Rut roh! It's gonna be RBG all over again; Etc.

Frighteningly, today's news is chock full of rut rohs! First off, we've got her imperial majesty and alleged fornicator MTG telling women how to dress and blaming them for being sexually assaulted and raped by blameless horny men, including innocent “Christian brothers”:
“Men will respect you more and think of you much more highly than just a sexual object for gratification,” she continued. “It’s also good to not tempt your Christian brothers and cause them to stumble.”

“As conservative Christian women let us always be an example to girls and young women by displaying actions that our faith believes and not conform to the patterns of this fallen world. Be the light, don’t fall into the darkness.”

Those feisty TTKP Christofascist elite scum bags. They just cannot help blatantly projecting their flaws and evil intentions onto everyone except themselves! 

TTKP = Trump Tyranny & Kleptocracy Party, formerly the Republican Party

This one ranks as a RUT ROH!! 😮 (largest font size)

The HuffPo reports that 69-year-old Justice Sonia Sotomayor is ill and travels with a medic:
The revelation comes from newly released U.S. Marshals Service records obtained by the nonpartisan court watchdog Fix the Court, which requested information about security for current and former Supreme Court justices. And it amplifies questions that many only whisper about the long-term fitness of the oldest Democratic-appointed justice on the court.
The RGB (Ruth Bader Ginsberg) redux scenario: Here we go again. ☹️

Sotomayor refuses to retire. Biden loses the 2024 election to the monster dictator & Fornicator-in-Chief (but approved by God and MTG) DJT. Sotomayor “unexpectedly” dies in March or Feb of 2024. McConnell, as freshly re-minted dinosaur and Senate majority leader, fast tracks the nomination of White Supremacist and racist scumbag Steve Bannon to replace her. Bannon sits on the bench by April and blithely joins in the fun of the final destruction of American democracy, civil liberties and the rule of law and their replacement with, wait for it . . . . wait . . . . TYRANNY & KLEPTOCRACY!!

The TTKP now controls the 7-2 majority on the Supreme Court. The shock of seeing fascist Bannon on the bench of the highest court in the land causes 63-year old Elena Kagan to palpitate and drop dead with her britches on. The shock of getting to fast track another Supreme Court justice causes McConnell to palpitate and drop dead with his britches on. McConnell is replaced with the new Senate majority leader and well-known fascist Josh Hawley. Cackling gleefully, Hawley fast tracks the nomination of the self-righteous unattractively-dressed MTG to the court, giving the Christofascists and the regular fascists a 8-1 majority. Justice Brown-Jackson, being still young enough to withstand the shock of it all, buries he head in her hands and quietly cries. 

Meanwhile, Germaine palpitates and drops dead with his britches down around his ankles as he was frantically trying to put on his armor to ward off the impending poopstorm of fascism bearing down upon his troubled countenance and his pipsqueak politics blog.

Wheee!! The fascists have an 8-1 majority!!

I was just trying to put my armor on

This one ranks a healthy RUT ROH!! 🥺 (next to largest font size)

Tech Crunch reports about the quiet, quiet march of brass knuckles capitalism over a steaming pile of worker corpses:
Amazon and SpaceX are quietly trying to 
demolish national labor law

Amazon alleged in a legal filing published Friday morning that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is unconstitutional. SpaceX and Trader Joe’s — companies that, like Amazon, have repeatedly faced labor law violations from the federal agency — have recently made similar attacks that threaten national worker protections.

This is just Amazon’s latest attempt to block union organizing in its fulfillment centers. But this time, these companies aren’t just limiting the rights of their own workers. If these threats against the NLRB keep moving forward, American workers could lose workplace protections that they’ve had for almost a century.

“It’s a crock of s–t,” said Seth Goldstein, the legal counsel for Trader Joe’s United and the Amazon Labor Union. “I don’t believe any of it, and I think it’s just a cover to bust unions.”  
Amazon claims that the NLRB’s structure is unconstitutional because administrative law judges are “insulated from presidential oversight,” thus violating the separation of powers. The company also argues against the structure of NLRB itself, as well as its ability to fine a company for unfair labor practices after a hearing, rather than a full jury trial.
The legal situation -- this is deadly serious and deadly dangerous (Germaines personal analysis, not warranted fit for any purpose, legal or not): Maybe the court will side with the companies for one or both of the reasons given in the article. But also, if the Supreme Court demolishes the Chevron deference legal doctrine in the two combined cases it is now poised to rule on, that might constitute another basis by which the TTKP-controlled USSC could sua sponte (on its own accord) find the NLRB unconstitutional. Once the NLRB falls workers will be truly screwed, sometimes literally to death. This is what the TTKP stands for. It aggressively asserts rights of human corporations over actual human humans whenever and wherever it can, as much as it can. Always keep eyes on the flow of power. 

See, I told ’ja. There is a lot of serious rut roh! going on at the moment.

Although I posted about this bit of rut roh yesterday, some other sources are picking up on it. Here is some deeply troubling commentary (The New Republic reports) by a leading Christian nationalist theocrat at the recent CPAC convention:
Conservative activist Jack Posobiec joyfully hailed the “end of democracy” at the Conservative Political Action Conference, further emphasizing Republicans’ apparent desire to completely overthrow America as we know it.

Posobiec, who helped popularize the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, appeared at CPAC’s opening day on Wednesday. He spoke during a panel moderated by former White House adviser and white supremacist Steve Bannon.

“Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely,” Posobiec said as the event began.

“We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here,” he said, gesturing to the crowd and holding up his fist.

As he spoke, Bannon laughed and said, “Amen!”  
Posobiec then said, to cheers from the audience, “All glory is not to government. All glory to God.”

Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump has repeatedly indicated he intends to embrace authoritarianism if he is reelected to the White House. Trump has paraphrased Adolf Hitler, floated horrifying and fascistic policy ideas, and joked (so he says) about being a dictator on the first day of his new term.  
Trump’s closest allies in Congress have also indicated they would be willing to throw out the rulebook for him. Senator J.D. Vance and Representative Elise Stefanik, both reportedly on the shortlist for Trump’s running mate, have said they would have carried out a coup on January 6, 2021, to keep Trump in power.

Posobiec’s comments, even delivered in a lighthearted tone, are a chilling reminder that Trump and his supporters are not speaking rhetorically. They mean everything they say.
(emphasis added)
As is usual for the still too-clueless MSM, TNR calls Posobiec a conservative when it is clear he is an authoritarian theocrat, not a conservative.

The Christian nationalist monster who hates democracy; he loves 
Christian Sharia law and the White male Christian Taliban 
thugs who control the corrupt wealth & power movement

Whether he meant it or not, and whether he was a Christofascist himself or not, this Barry Goldwater commentary keeps popping back into my mind:
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, its going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they cant and wont compromise. I know, Ive tried to deal with them.”

Astronaut to Earth: Houston, we have a terrible damn problem on our hands.

On a lighter note, a deep sea robot fiddling around near Easter Island off the coast of Chile has taken videos that show more than 100 new species at depths of 14,000 ft or deeper.

And on a lighter than air thought:

Finally, Jon Stewart on (i) Jon Stewart's bothsidesism, and (ii) Tucker interviewing Putin

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