Sunday, March 24, 2024



The Great Tribulation, Fourth Turning, Seventh Seal or All 3

APRIL 2024: All the Signs and Omens point
to the Commencement of the End Times
Donald Trump

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946—the night of a total lunar eclipse. Both his temperament and the way he projects publicly reflects the astrological affects of such an afflicted birthday chart.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s birth chart shows that he has 4 planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, & Mars) in Scorpio as follows.  He also has two planets in Gemini.

These planet placements and other key configurations and transits reveal a character who will say and do anything — ANYTHING — whatsoever to advance his very narrow and self-interested scorpionic [SATANIC] agenda.

First, look at how the communist-run Democrat Party completely destroyed Trump’s presidency at every turn.

Then consider the COVID-19 biowar waged against the American people in 2020, as well as the weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ since the end of that same year.  The Covid killshots, clotshots and cancershots will be killing Americans for decades to come.

Then there was the most brazenly stolen POTUS election in November of that same year followed by the COINTELPRO-staged J6 entrapment scheme of 2021 run by the U.S. Intelligence Community.

However, what we are seeing with the April 8th total solar eclipse is a withering campaign of predictive programming and social engineering the likes of which the US citizenry has never been exposed to.  The entire Mainstream Media has never been so determined to get every single American outside to watch this quite dramatic daytime blocking of the solar rays.  Remember the dark side knows the secret workings of astrology, numerology, alchemy, geomancy and all the other occult arts and sciences.

Hence, TPTB really want everyone on planet Earth staring at this eclipse for as long as possible as it will greatly facilitate the next phase of their New World Order implementation plan and especially the long planned Great Reset.

Lastly, as if that’s not enough to deal with, there is also the 2024 return of the ‘horned’ comet 12P/Pons-Brooks also known as the Devil’s comet.  In fact, this comet is forecast to reach the brightest point in its 2024 apparition on 21 April, which makes for an exceptionally interesting and explosive month of April.

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