Monday, March 25, 2024

Going woke, one mind at a time; CN hate & lies du jour; A restraint on social media poison?

Several sources are reporting that US senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) has gone woke about DJT. CNN reports:
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, aghast at Donald Trump’s candidacy and the direction of her party, won’t rule out bolting from the GOP.

The veteran Alaska Republican, one of seven Republicans who voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial amid the aftermath of January 6, 2021, is done with the former president and said she “absolutely” would not vote for him.

“I wish that as Republicans, we had … a nominee that I could get behind,” Murkowski told CNN. “I certainly can’t get behind Donald Trump.”
Wow, it took her this long to see the blatantly obvious? Bravo Lisa, do it again! (sarcasm)

If I recall right, Murkowski, along with Maine senator Susan Collins, were reassured by DJT’s morally rotted Supreme Court nominees that abortion rights protected by Roe v. Wade would remain viable law. At the time, I thought, OMG!! How freaking blind, clueless and tribal are these people, or are they cynical liars, just plain stupid or some combination? At the time, cynical liar seemed to be the single best explanation. Now maybe the best explanation is blind, clueless and tribal coupled with stupid. 

That is the problem with trying to get into the minds of people doing politics. They lie as easily as they breathe. Some of them are shockingly ignorant to the point of being literally stupid. Oh well, the quest for insight and knowledge continues.

Christian nationalism (CN). What can one say. Sacred CN poison, hate, bigotry, mendacity, hypocrisy, corruption, sexual perversions (yup, I said it -- and do mean perversions) and lust for Christian Sharia theocracy are all out in the open now. Most everyone can see it for what it is. Well, maybe not Murkowski, Collins and the clueless. Who knows what they can see, if much of anything. 

Mediaite reportsKellyanne Conway Claims Democrats Are ‘Hostile to Religion’ and Are ‘Jogging and Having Brunch’ Instead of Attending Church -- Fox News contributor Kellyanne Conway said Democrats are hemorrhaging non-White voters thanks in large part to their “hostility to religion.” “Now, the other thing that’s so interesting about this – particularly with the minority groups, Kellyanne – there’s a cultural point here,” host Larry Kudlow said. “They’re tired of the Democrats’ woke[ness] and cancel culture and no Americana, no American history, and so forth. That whole story has backfired on Democrats. And these are working folks, right? These are Latinos, these are African Americans.”

As time passes, I increasingly want to cancel (i) Faux News lies and slanders, (ii) fake CN American history, and (iii) TTKP (Trump Tyranny & Kleptocracy Party) lies, sleaze & slanders.

CN operatives are hypocrites. They are deeply insulting, shamelessly mendacious and profoundly threatening to normal Americans, including real Christians. They have declared all-out war on respect for us regular people, and on truth, reason, our democracy and our civil liberties. I want all of their tax breaks revoked.

Reuters reports about a possible private sector-imposed restraint on the lies, slanders, crackpot conspiracy theories and the like on the Reddit social media platform. This one is a puzzler. Reuters reports:
Reddit may need to ramp up spending on 
content moderation, analysts say

Reddit will need to spend heavily on content moderation as it may face greater scrutiny as a public company, analysts said, threatening its longstanding policy of relying on an army of volunteers to maintain order on its platform.

The newly listed company warned in its initial public offering (IPO) paperwork that its unique approach to content moderation can sometimes subject it to disruptions like in 2023, when several moderators protested against its decision to charge third-party app developers for access to its data.

Depending on volunteers is not sustainable, given the regulatory scrutiny that the company will now face, said Julian Klymochko, CEO of alternative investment solutions firm Accelerate Financial Technologies.

“It's like relying on unpaid labor when the company has nearly a billion dollars in revenue,” he added. Reddit reported revenue of $804 million in 2023, according to an earlier filing. 
Reddit will need to make substantial investments in trust and safety, which could lead to a “dramatic” rise in expenses, Klymochko said.  
A spokesperson for Reddit said that alongside moderators, it also had robust internal safety teams, which used a combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning and human review to enforce its content policy.  
The company would need to ramp up spending on anti-misinformation efforts especially as the U.S. prepares for the presidential election later this year.
If Reddit needs to limit toxic content to keep advertisers, why doesn’t that same pressure apply to X, Facebook, YouTube, DJT’s Lies Antisocial” and other social media platforms? It is possible there is a limit to the darkness, immorality and evil that advertisers will tolerate? This baffles me. Maybe there is a ray of hope somewhere in the toxic mess called social media. 

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