Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Biden campaign slams DJT (finally); Regarding DJT’s lies & slanders campaign

Maybe months of widespread criticism of Biden’s feeble campaign tactics is starting to sink in. His campaign released this statement recently.

That is starting to get to the point. Let’s see if this continues or if it is just a one-off fluke. 

Meanwhile, DJT’s campaign of lies and slanders is firing on all 3⅓ cylinders. MTN (Meidas Touch News) reports that he is taking published news items from various sources, deleting inconvenient bits, and then reposting the whitewashed article on Lies Antisocial. The example MTN cites is an article from the National Review, which is sympathetic to DJT:
The article covered District Attorney Alvin Braggs’ prosecution of Trump, accusing Bragg of manipulating business records. It’s ironic that Trump is manipulating coverage of this topic. The National Review is right leaning and supports DJT, but Trump nonetheless deleted many inconvenient facts from the piece. Here’s a summary of the unfavorable items that DJT deleted from the National Review article (the original NR article is here):

1. Stormy Daniels claim of an affair with Trump is credible

2. Trump's bookkeeping “might indeed have been a minor crime”

3. Federal prosecutors probably believe Trump’s NDA was “motivated by his election prospects”

4. The hush money “expenditure [is] within the coverage of federal campaign-finance law”

5. An admission that “Trump booked” the hush money payment “as if it had been for a different purpose”

6. Trump's payment to then lawyer Michael Cohen “significantly exceeded the $130,000 loan amount”

7. Trump insisting that he was paying Cohen for legal services "would muddy the water"

8. Trump’s Access Hollywood tape will be heard a evidence

9. Trump boasted “about being sexually aggressive with women” in the Access Hollywood tape

10. Trump wanted to cover up his “unsavory disclosures of a sexual nature” after the Access Hollywood tape story broke “about a month before Election Day”

11. Trump’s National Enquirer friends alerted Cohen to Stormy Daniels “demand to be paid for her silence”

12. Trump wanted to delay payment hoping Election Day would pass and he could pay less, but pressure from Daniels’ lawyer remained

13. Cohen paid Stormy Daniels on October 26 “after getting assurance that Trump would pay him back post-election”

14. Trump’s affair with Playboy model Karen McDougal and subsequent effort to buy McDougal’s silence will be used as evidence against Trump 

15. Trump’s effort to payoff a Trump Tower doorman who claimed “that Trump fathered a child out of wedlock in the 1980s”

16. Bragg claims these payoffs are campaign expenditures that Trump was attempting to hide

17. Bragg is attempting to prove Trump committed a felony under New York’s business records falsification provision and acted with “an intent to defraud” which included “an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the admission thereof”
For just one article, that is a heck of a lot of whitewashing! Many gallons of paint there. MTN asserts that this is the 3rd whitewashed article that it found on Lies Antisocial so far in March. Lies and deceit are now fully normalized and morally accepted by America's radical right authoritarian wealth and power movement. Will that same poison overwhelm all other places in America? Probably not, but the impact of increasing blatancy of lies and deceit will be interesting to watch.  

Israel continues to slowly absorb Palestine by taking land. The WaPo reports:
Israel announces largest West Bank land seizure
since 1993 during Blinken visit

Israel’s far-right [authoritarian] finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, announced the seizure of 10 square kilometers (3.8 square miles) of Palestinian territory in the West Bank on Friday. The move marks the single largest land seizure by the Israeli government since the 1993 Oslo accords, according to Peace Now, a settlement watchdog group.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are considered illegal under international law. Still, Israel has used land orders like the one issued Friday to gain control over 16 percent of Palestinian-controlled lands in the West Bank.

More than 40 percent of the West Bank is under the control of Israeli settlers, according to the Israel-based rights group B’Tselem, and more than half-a-million Jewish residents now live in the West Bank. Israel’s government has also used incentive programs to move Jewish residents into West Bank settlements, where more than 200 settlements and unofficial outposts have fractured the Palestinian territory and displaced Palestinian residents. In recent years, the Housing Ministry has offered subsidized apartments in the West Bank through a lottery system.

This data does not make sense to me because my  
understanding was that Israel has assimilated a lot more 
than a mere 38 sq kilometers 

Palestinians have little ability to stop the land transfers. After the 1967 war, Israel issued a military order that stopped the process of land registration across the West Bank. Now families lack the paperwork to prove that they have private ownership over their land. And tax records, the only other evidence of West Bank property rights, are not accepted by Israeli authorities.
If West Bank Palestinians cannot prove they own their own land, Israel would seem to be in a position to keep absorbing land until all of it is Israeli. The next step would be ethnic cleansing of the West Bank or something worse.

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