Monday, March 25, 2024

News bit: Once again, DJT gets off the hook as US justice system collapses

The Hill reports:
Appeals court pauses $464M judgment in Trump’s 
New York fraud case

A New York appeals court on Monday temporarily stopped the clock on the looming enforcement of a multimillion-dollar judgment against former President Trump and his company over deceitful business practices.

In a terse order, a five-judge state appeals court panel said it would pause the enforcement of the $464 million judgment against Trump, the Trump Organization and top executives, plus interest, if within 10 days they post a $175 million bond.  
New York Attorney General Letitia James’s office had urged the state appeals court to make Trump put up a full bond before pausing the eye-popping judgment.

The office argued that there is no rule limiting Trump to a single bond from a single surety for the full judgment amount. Instead, he could seek several bonds to limit “any individual surety’s risk” and still post the full amount, they said.

The appeals court order Monday also paused the enforcement of other penalties, including those barring Trump and top executives from serving in top leadership positions in New York businesses for several years.
What can one say? It looks increasingly likely that DJT will never face any serious consequences for his treason and crimes. Maybe he will get a wrist slap or two and a stern talking to, but that is about all.

Q: Is the US system of justice (i) in full-blown collapse or close to it, (ii) just fine and dandy or close to fine and dandy, or (iii) something in between?

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