Thursday, March 21, 2024

For those who haven't visited Dishing it Politics

 Ooops. Sorry. Meant Dissident Politics. Dishing it sounds cooler though, doesn't it. But I digress.

Everyone is talking but no one is listening. Arguing online is pointless.

Is that true in most cases? Is it true here? Is it true over there at this guys forum?

My guess. Not true. But we are tough nuts, Germaine and I.

How about other forums?

I never argue with people online, rarely in real life too. I tend to listening other's opinions whilst silently judging them. Modern discourse isn't about changing people's opinions, it's about reinforcing your own.

Arguing with people online is pointless. They have their opinions and you have yours. Neither of you are willing to compromise and change your opinion. That would be a sign of weakness and we you can't let them win. You both put your side of the argument forth, slander one another, and both parties come away feeling superiour about themselves. When two people argue neither one really listens to the other person, they just wait for their turn to speak. You might as well be yelling into a tin can trying to get your voice heard.

Hmmm it's about reinforcing your own. I have to agree, 87.9% of online discourse does seem to be that way. 

Online debates are not about sharing knowledge or enlightening the other person to something they may have been ignorant about. These arguments are basically saying "I'm right. You're stupid." Making this statement would be too blatant so we hide our intentions behind facts, anecdotes and persuasive techniques in an attempt to demonstrate - "I'm right. You're stupid." In fact arguing with someone online trying to change their opinion might have the opposite effect. Instead of convincing them you're right you actually just strengthen their belief. This is known as the Backfire Effect -The more your beliefs are challenged the harder you hold onto them.

Hate to bring Trumpers into this conversation, BUT.............. the more we call them stupid the more it strengthens their beliefs that we liberal Snowflakes are picking on 'em. 

Slander has certainly become the tool of the loser in the political sphere. And with Donald Trump president the whole world has lost the opportunity for civil discourse. Prior to the recent Trump v Clinton election most online debates surround politics seemed to be reasonably educated, discussing policy points and the like. Now however it's degraded into a meme war, doxing and threats of personal attacks are common. Neither side is going to convince the other to change their opinion. Its one giant blackhole of intellect, draining the intelligence of all those who engage in the phony discourse.

Don't know where the author has been, but online discourse was nasty even before Trump. Check out the discourse in the Obama years. Sheesh, disappointing, the author is another who suffers from TDS. 

As for hurling insults, do we allow that here? Or over at the other guy's site? However, you go to a few other Disqus boards and ummm, it's hellfire over there (no names mentioned).

Changing your opinion isn't a sign of weakness. It's the only thing to do when confronted with new evidence.

Amen brother. THAT applies particularly to a certain demographic is my guess. What is yours?  

Everybody's talkin' at me
I don't hear a word they're sayin'
Only the echoes of my mind

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