Wednesday, March 20, 2024

News bits: MAGA profiles in cowardice; DJT & weaseling out; Musk’s free speech hypocrisy

A WaPo article reports about an Arizona state senator who had a non-viable pregnancy and had to get an abortion. She and her husband decided to tell the legislature her story of non-viable pregnancies so they could get a feel of the impact of forced birth laws. The WaPo writes:
On Monday, she shared her story in a 10-minute speech on the Senate floor. Voice shaking, Burch told her colleagues that she’d visited a clinic on Friday where she was given an invasive ultrasound and counseling on alternatives to abortion, despite already knowing her pregnancy was not viable. Required under Arizona law, those experiences, Burch said in the speech, were “cruel.”

While Burch held the microphone, a few of her Democratic colleagues stood behind her in a show of support. She said she could see some GOP senators leaving the chamber.  
On the Senate floor, Burch described the protocol mandated by state law as interfering in what she believed to be the “safest and most appropriate treatment for me.” She said she was forced to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound that she did not want and was then told about alternatives including parenting and adoption that did not apply to her situation.
There we have it. Some MAGA TTKP (Trump Tyranny & Kleptocracy Party) legislators have neither the guts nor respect to listen to what their infallible, God-sanctioned, blunderbuss forced birth laws force women to endure. Gutless pussies.

The Hill reports about DJT’s increasingly desperate blither about having to cough up the dough: 
[DJT] argued Tuesday he would have to take extreme measures in order to pay a $464 million bond due next week in his New York civil fraud case, such as selling some of his properties for cheap “fire sale” prices.

“Judge Engoron actually wants me to put up Hundreds of Millions of Dollars for the Right to Appeal his ridiculous decision. In other words, he is trying to take my Appellate Rights away from me,” Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social platform Tuesday morning. “Nobody has ever heard of anything like this before.”

“I would be forced to mortgage or sell Great Assets, perhaps at Fire Sale prices, and if and when I win the Appeal, they would be gone. Does that make sense? WITCH HUNT. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”
It will be interesting to see how DJT weasels out of this predicament somehow. What are the odds he slithers away with his cash pile mostly intact? Not sure. My guess, ~50%.

Elon Musk’s X bans transgender Harvard lawyer for naming a neo-Nazi
Alejandra Caraballo, a transgender attorney and clinical instructor at Harvard Law School’s Cyberlaw Clinic, has been permanently ban from X (formerly Twitter) for amplifying news of an alleged neo-Nazi’s identity, adding to questions about the platform’s stance on content moderation under Elon Musk’s ownership. The development has fueled ongoing discussions around free speech, hate speech, and the treatment of far-right ideologies on the platform.

The extremist, who produces comic illustrations under the name StoneToss, was allegedly unmasked to be a former security guard and IT worker from Texas by a group of activists, Anonymous Comrades Collective and Late-Night Anti-Fascists, on March 12. Critics note that StoneToss’s content is often anti-Semitic, transphobic, racist, homophobic, and otherwise bigoted.  
Another X user criticized the platform’s decision, writing, “Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_ has been suspended again, this time indefinitely for talking about publicly available information naming a Nazi. X is going full fascist. There is only freedom of speech if Elon agrees with you.”
I have said it many times here, radical right authoritarians are not fazed one iota by blatant hypocrisy and double standards. Musk is a blatant free speech hypocrite.

Christian nationalist hate speech & lies: Meidas Touch News reports about hate speech and lies from radical theocrat and US senator Tommy Tuberville:
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) told a gathering of GOP delegates in Utah on Friday at a Bluffdale warehouse that the U.S. is losing kids to a "satanic cult." The comments came as Tuberville was campaigning for Trent Staggs, a MAGA candidate for Senate to fill the seat being vacated by Sen. Mitt Romney.

"I’ve traveled all over the country...all 50 states. I’ve been in some good places and bad places. The one thing I saw, we are losing our kids to a satanic cult...we better start growing forces, and get together, and start fighting back against these socialist Democrats that are going to try and turn us into communists."

The only evidence Tuberville could provide for the existence of such a cult was the trans-rights movement in the United States.

"There’s not one Democrat that can tell you they stand up for God...when they look me in the eyes and say 'ok, we believe that boys should be able to participate in girls' sports. We believe that a man can have a baby.' I want you to think about what I just said," Tuberville said to boos and laughs from the crowd.

Tuberville also took the occasion to sow doubt in law enforcement and the criminal justice system, calling the January 6 insurrectionists "innocent," and saying that law enforcement would only arrest patriotic Americans and not actual criminals. “We’ve lost our Department of Justice. In most of the country, we don’t have a criminal justice system anymore. Nobody goes to jail, unless you’re an innocent person that really loves this country, then they’ll put you in jail. We have never overcome a cult like we’re dealing with right now.”
This hate and flagrant, shameless lying and insulting disrespect is from a sitting US senator. This is what politics in bad faith and ill-will looks like.

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