
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Update on Republican election subversion

The Republican Party has been intent on subverting elections since the 2020 election. The rank and file are fine with all of this. Poll data indicates that over 80% of them sincerely but falsely believe the election was fraudulent and Biden is an illegitimate president. Continuously spreading the lie and arguing that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent is a core Republican propaganda talking point these days. 

To deal with this faux problem, Republicans have been passing laws and doing things to (i) suppress votes in non-Republican areas, (ii) intimidate non-Republican voters, (iii) intimidate honest election officials, (iv) rig elections and (v) outright overturn results that Republicans do not like. The election subversion effort in about 18 red states is multi-pronged and complicated. As early 2022 voting starts, it is of great interest to see how Republican election subversion efforts are playing out. The 2022 elections could be the first in modern times that are sufficiently subverted to make it impossible for one party to control congress and legislatures. This applies to many red states. The effects of successful election subversion could last for decades or even much longer, which is the Republican dream of single-party rule.

The New York Time writes in an article, Texas Voting Law Leads to Jump in Ballot Application Rejections, about how the Republican subversion plan is playing out in Texas:
Texas Republicans said the state’s new voting law would make it “easy to vote, hard to cheat.” County election officials say it’s sowing confusion ahead of next month’s primaries.

Thousands of Texans have had their absentee ballot applications denied as a result of regulations put in place under the state’s new election law, a jump in rejections that could force many older and disabled voters to either vote in person or not at all in primary elections early next month.

With a Friday deadline, election officials in the state’s most populous counties have rejected 10 percent — or 12,000 — of the absentee ballot applications received as of Thursday, according to voting data obtained by The New York Times. Officials said the rejection rate reflected a significant increase from past years, and most often because a voter failed to satisfy the new identification requirements.

“It’s high, there’s no question,” Bruce Sherbet, the election administrator for Collin County, northeast of Dallas, said of the number of rejections. Mr. Sherbet said his county typically rejects a handful of applications. This year, that number was roughly 300.

The Times tallied rejected applications in 12 of the 13 Texas counties with more than 400,000 residents. Bexar County, home to San Antonio, did not disclose its numbers. The total of rejected ballots could still change as applications were still arriving ahead of the Friday night deadline.

As they prepare for the March 1 primary, election officials say the new law is sowing confusion among voters and further burdening already taxed local election offices.

As one of 18 states to pass more restrictive voting laws after the 2020 presidential election, Texas’ rocky rollout could provide a preview of what could come elsewhere.

Confusion over absentee ballot applications has a more limited impact in Texas than in many other states, however. Texas only allows voters who are over 65 or who have a verified disability to vote by mail. During the 2020 election, more than 1 million Texans voted by mail, although that number is expected to fall, as turnout regularly dips in the midterm elections.  
There are signs that the problems, particularly with new identification rules, may extend beyond applications to processing ballots. With less than a week of data on returned ballots, Harris County said its ballot rejection rates were as high as 34 percent, and Dallas County had rejected about 20 percent of ballots.

“We’re seeing an alarming number of mail ballots being rejected and local officials are left scrambling to protect voter access as the deadline looms,” Isabel Longoria, the elections administrator of Harris County, said in a statement.  
Some rejections stemmed from layering the requirements of the new law atop a byzantine electoral bureaucracy.  
Dr. Larry Schoenfeld, professor emeritus at UT Health San Antonio, and Heidi Schoenfeld, Democratic Party Precinct Chair in Bexar County, had their initial absentee ballot applications rejected 
“The system is designed for failure,” said Ms. Schoenfeld [a voter who tried and failed twice to get the paperwork right]. “It’s designed to make it very, very difficult for people to vote.” (emphasis added)

Note that one county refuses to provide data about rejected ballots. Going forward, it is reasonable to expect less and less election subversion information to be released for propaganda and deceit purposes. Probably less data will be officially collected, making it easy to claim faux ignorance. The less the public knows about how effectively elections have been corrupted and subverted, the easier it is to sell false narratives. 

The profoundly mendacious Republican Party and its lying politicians and propaganda organs (Fox News, etc.) will lie and tells us that all the massive (non-existent) vote fraud has been wrung out of the process by valiant Republicans passing patriotic election-cleaning laws. The public will be lied to and deceived with a vengeance.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Thoughts on democracy and the “depravity of human nature”

Especially in the last 5-6 years, the heart of most political disagreement and authoritarian, plutocratic or autocratic oppression at least since the Enlightenment if not forever seems to me to be grounded mostly in an an endless quest for power and wealth. Instigators of such brass knuckles politics always prefer to obscure what they usually want, namely power and wealth. They obscure it by invoking oppression and/or violence in the name of the sacred nation, sacred national origin myths (e.g., God ordained the US to dominate all other nations), the sacred race (White people first), sacred God, and so forth. None of them ever say, I do this because I lust for want power and/or wealth, no matter how many people or ideals get crushed in the process. 

That admittedly personal perception of reality is most of the basis I rely on to firmly believe that demagoguery, authoritarianism, plutocracy, autocracy, deceit, opposition to and rejection of inconvenient truth, and the like, are all inherently deeply immoral most of the time. Occasionally some of it arguably is justifiable, but that is the rare exception. 

Regarding democracy and human nature 
An opinion piece in the New York Times today, The Dark Century, nicely lays out some historical thinking about the human condition and the always present lust for wealth and power. For what it is worth, this fits quite well with how I see modern politics and the human condition.
In the early 1990s I was a roving correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, based in Europe. Some years it felt as if all I did was cover good news: the end of the Soviet Union, Ukrainians voting for independence, German reunification, the spread of democracy across Eastern Europe, Mandela coming out of prison and the end of apartheid, the Oslo peace process that seemed to bring stability to the Middle East.

I obsess about those years now. I obsess about them because the good times did not last. History is reverting toward barbarism. We have an authoritarian strongman in Russia threatening to invade his neighbor, an increasingly authoritarian China waging genocide on its people and threatening Taiwan, cyberattacks undermining the world order, democracy in retreat worldwide, thuggish populists across the West undermining nations from within.

What the hell happened? Why were the hopes of the 1990s not realized? What is the key factor that has made the 21st century so dark, regressive and dangerous?

The normal thing to say is that the liberal world order is in crisis. But just saying that doesn’t explain why. Why are people rejecting liberalism? What weakness in liberalism is its enemies exploiting? What is at the root of this dark century? Let me offer one explanation.

Liberalism is a way of life built on respect for the dignity of each individual. A liberal order, John Stuart Mill suggested, is one in which people are free to conduct “experiments in living” so you wind up with “a large variety in types of character.” There’s no one best way to live, so liberals celebrate freedom, personal growth and diversity.

Many of America’s founders were fervent believers in liberal democracy — up to a point. They had a profound respect for individual virtue, but also individual frailty. Samuel Adams said, “Ambitions and lust for power … are predominant passions in the breasts of most men.” Patrick Henry admitted to feelings of dread when he contemplated the “depravity of human nature.” One delegate to the constitutional convention said that the people “lack information and are constantly liable to be misled.”

Our founders were aware that majorities are easily led by ambitious demagogues.

So our founders built a system that respected popular opinion and majority rule while trying to build guardrails to check popular passion and prejudice. The crimes of the constitutional order are by now well known. It acquiesced to the existence of slavery and prolonged that institution for nearly another century. Early democratic systems enfranchised only a small share of adult Americans. But the genius of the Constitution was in its attempt to move toward democracy while trying to prevent undue concentrations of power. The founders divided power among the branches. They built in a whole series of republican checks, so that demagogues and populist crazes would not sweep over the land.

“They designed a constitution for fallen people,” the historian Robert Tracy McKenzie writes in his book “We the Fallen People.” “Its genius lay in how it held in tension two seemingly incompatible beliefs: first, that the majority must generally prevail; and second, that the majority is predisposed to seek personal advantage above the common good.”

While the Constitution guarded against abuses of power, the founders recognized that a much more important set of civic practices would mold people to be capable of being self-governing citizens: Churches were meant to teach virtue; leaders were to receive classical education, so they might understand human virtue and vice and the fragility of democracy; everyday citizens were to lead their lives as yeoman farmers so they might learn to live simply and work hard; civic associations and local government were to instill the habits of public service; patriotic rituals were observed to instill shared love of country; newspapers and magazines were there (more in theory than in fact) to create a well-informed citizenry; etiquette rules and democratic manners were adopted to encourage social equality and mutual respect.

Think of it like farming. Planting the seeds is like establishing a democracy. But for democracy to function you have to till and fertilize the soil, erect fences, pull up weeds, prune the early growth. The founders knew that democracy is not natural. It takes a lot of cultivation to make democracy work.

American foreign policy had a second founding after World War II. For much of our history Americans were content to prosper behind the safety of the oceans. But after having been dragged into two world wars, a generation of Americans realized the old attitude wasn’t working any more and America, following the leadership of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, would have to help build a liberal world order if it was to remain secure.

The postwar generation was a bit like the founding generation. Its leaders — from Truman to George F. Kennan to Reinhold Niebuhr — championed democracy, but they had no illusions about the depravity of human beings. They’d read their history and understood that stretching back thousands of years, war, authoritarianism, exploitation, great powers crushing little ones — these were just the natural state of human societies.

If America was to be secure, Americans would have to plant the seeds of democracy, but also do all the work of cultivation so those seeds could flourish. Americans oversaw the creation of peaceful democracies from the ruins of military dictatorships in Germany and Japan. They funded the Marshall Plan. They helped build multinational institutions like NATO, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund. American military might stood ready to push back against the wolves who threatened the world order — sometimes effectively, as in Europe, oftentimes, as in Vietnam and Iraq, recklessly and self-destructively. America championed democracy and human rights, at least when the Communists were violating them (not so much when our dictator allies across, say, Latin America were).

Just as America’s founders understood that democracy is not natural, the postwar generation understood that peace is not natural — it has to be tended and cultivated from the frailties of human passion and greed.

Over the past few generations that hopeful but sober view of human nature has faded. What’s been called the Culture of Narcissism took hold, with the view that human beings should be unshackled from restraint. You can trust yourself to be unselfish! Democracy and world peace were taken for granted. As Robert Kagan put it in his book “The Jungle Grows Back”: “We have lived so long inside the bubble of the liberal order that we can imagine no other kind of world. We think it is natural and normal, even inevitable.”

If people are naturally good we no longer have to do the hard agricultural work of cultivating virtuous citizens or fighting against human frailty. The Western advisers I covered in Russia in the early 1990s thought a lot about privatization and market reforms and very little about how to prevent greedy monsters from stealing the whole country. They had a naïve view of human nature.

Even in America, over the past decades, the institutions that earlier generations thought were essential to molding a democratic citizenry have withered or malfunctioned. Many churches and media outlets have gone partisan. Civics education has receded. Neighborhood organizations have shrunk. Patriotic rituals are out of fashion.

What happens when you don’t tend the seedbeds of democracy? Chaos? War? No, you return to normal. The 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries were normal. Big countries like China, Russia and Turkey are ruled by fierce leaders with massive power. That’s normal. Small aristocracies in many nations hog gigantic shares of their nations’ wealth. That’s normal. Many people come to despise cultural outsiders, like immigrants. Normal. Global affairs resembles the law of the jungle, with big countries threatening small ones. This is the way it’s been for most of human history.

In normal times, people crave order and leaders like Vladimir Putin arise to give it to them. Putin and Xi Jinping have arisen to be the 21st century’s paradigmatic men.

Putin has established political order in Russia by reviving the Russian strong state tradition and by concentrating power in the hands of one man. He has established economic order through a grand bargain with oligarch-led firms, with him as the ultimate C.E.O. As Fiona Hill and Clifford G. Gaddy write in their book, “Mr. Putin,” corruption is the glue that holds the system together. Everybody’s wealth is deliberately tainted, so Putin has the power to accuse anyone of corruption and remove anyone at any time.

He offers cultural order. He embraces the Russian Orthodox Church and rails against the postmodern godlessness of the West. He scorns homosexuality and transgenderism.

Putin has redefined global conservatism and made himself its global leader. Many conservatives around the world see Putin’s strong, manly authority, his defense of traditional values and his enthusiastic embrace of orthodox faith, and they see their aspirations in human form. Right-wing leaders from Donald Trump in the United States to Marine Le Pen in France to Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines speak of Putin admiringly.

The 21st century has become a dark century because the seedbeds of democracy have been neglected and normal historical authoritarianism is on the march. Putin and Xi seem confident that the winds of history are at their back. Writing in The Times a few weeks ago, Hill said that Putin believes the United States is in the same predicament Russia was in in the 1990s — “weakened at home and in retreat abroad.”

Putin, Xi and the other global conservatives make comprehensive critiques of liberalism and the failings of liberal society. Unlike past authoritarians they have the massive power of modern surveillance technology to control their citizens. Russian troops are on the border of Ukraine because Putin needs to create the kind of disordered world that people like him thrive in. “The problem Russia has faced since the end of the Cold War is that the greatness Putin and many Russians seek cannot be achieved in a world that is secure and stable,” Kagan writes in “The Jungle Grows Back.” “To achieve greatness on the world stage, Russia must bring the world back to a past when neither Russians nor anyone else enjoyed security.”

Will the liberals of the world be able to hold off the wolves? Strengthen democracy and preserve the rules-based world order? The events of the past few weeks have been fortifying. Joe Biden and the other world leaders have done an impressive job of rallying their collective resolve and pushing to keep Putin within his borders. But the problems of democracy and the liberal order can’t be solved from the top down. Today, across left and right, millions of Americans see U.S. efforts abroad as little more than imperialism, “endless wars” and domination. They don’t believe in the postwar project and refuse to provide popular support for it.

The real problem is in the seedbeds of democracy, the institutions that are supposed to mold a citizenry and make us qualified to practice democracy. To restore those seedbeds, we first have to relearn the wisdom of the founders: We are not as virtuous as we think we are. Americans are no better than anyone else. Democracy is not natural; it is an artificial accomplishment that takes enormous work.

Then we need to fortify the institutions that are supposed to teach the democratic skills: how to weigh evidence and commit to truth; how to correct for your own partisan blinders and learn to doubt your own opinions; how to respect people you disagree with; how to avoid catastrophism, conspiracy and apocalyptic thinking; how to avoid supporting demagogues; how to craft complex compromises.

Democrats are not born, they are made. If the 21st century is to get brighter as it goes along, we have to get a lot better at making them. We don’t only have to worry about the people tearing down democracy. We have to worry about who is building it up. (emphasis added)

In my opinion, that is solidly on point in describing the demagogic moral rot and backsliding into autocracy that is happening in and to American society and liberal democracies today. Lies are truths and inconvenient truths are lies.  

Yes, democratic majorities are easily led by ambitious demagogues. And under the American electoral system, a demagoguery-misled minority can come to dominate an unwilling majority. That is precisely what the Republican Party and its autocratic propaganda, deceit, division and distrust Leviathan is doing right now. America is “weakened at home and in retreat abroad” in large part because that is what the autocratic-theocratic Republican Party has been working toward for a long time.

The Illuminati and Joe Biden


Joe Biden had barely been sworn in as US president in January 2021 when conspiracy theories about his ‘Illuminati bible' went viral on social media.
Biden was actually sworn in using a family heirloom, a Douay-Rheims bible used by Roman Catholics worldwide.

a brief history of the illumaniti:

Many Illuminati-watchers in America believe that the ‘Eye of Providence’ - the eye-in-a-triangle found on the back of the US dollar bill - is an Illuminati symbol linking the European sect to the highest echelons of US government and corridors of power.

The eye also appears as a symbol on some earlier editions of the Douay-Rheims Bible, the same bible President Biden carried on Inauguration Day.

Should I call this my Freaky Friday thread? AND what about it? Is the illuminati for real?

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Thoughts on reparations

Allen Guelzo

C-Span 2 Book TV aired a 2 hour discussion by American historian Allen Guelzo (Princeton). He specializes in the American intellectual history and the US Civil War. At 1:33:47 to 1:44:51 (~11 minutes), Gelzo answered a caller question about payment of reparations to Black Americans for past injustices. His take on the issue is interesting. A short summary is below.

Start with the definition of the kind of reparations to be paid
There are two distinct kinds of reparations, (i) for slavery, and (ii) for discrimination and injustices what came thereafter. Most people focus on reparations for slavery. These are the key questions that need to be answered as best they can be answered. 

Reparations for slavery - it's complicated
1. Who will pay
Fed gov was not a slave owner
Slavery was up to the states and state laws
White descendants of slave owners are usually not capable of paying much in reparations
Pennsylvania was a slave state far longer (> 200 years) than Alabama (~60 years), therefore PA has much more responsibility than AL
But, for example, PA moved to abolish slavery and AL did not 
The Civil War took ~750,000 total lives (average estimate); ~340,000 lives were lost on the Union side → all the lost lives were part of the cost of the war to end slavery (Lincoln: Every drop of blood drawn by the lash is being paid for by a drop of blood drawn by the sword)
How does one value those lost lives, including Lincoln's life, and reckon that against the reparations to be paid? And, if one omits this reckoning and reparations is just about getting a check, then one ignores the Civil War itself in the calculation.

2. Who gets paid
Many modern blacks Americans are descendants of slave owners → On average, black Americans are 20-25% white by descent due to sexual slavery and widespread rape under slavery  
Blacks who are not slave descendants would get nothing
If a person today is a descendant of a slave and a slave holder, to whom does that person pay and how much do they pay?

What the Republican rank and file think about the 2020 election

All credible evidence tells us that the 2020 election was very secure. Experts on both sides of the political aisle, and even President Donald Trump’s own Justice Department, have confirmed that 2020 was a free and fair election. 

Nevertheless, the vast majority of Republican voters say they agree with Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that the election was stolen. In our most recent University of Massachusetts at Amherst poll, fielded online Dec. 14-20 by YouGov among a nationally representative sample of the U.S. voting-age population, only 21 percent of Republicans say Joe Biden’s victory was legitimate. This is nearly identical to what we found in our April poll, in which just 19 percent of Republicans said Biden was legitimately elected. Other universities, media outlets and polling firms have found nearly identical results.

How could the “big lie” campaign convince so many Republicans that Trump won an election he so clearly lost? Some observers wonder whether these beliefs are genuine or just an example of expressive responding, a term social scientists use to mean respondents are using a survey item to register a feeling rather than express a real belief. In this case, it would mean that these Republicans, upset about Biden winning, say his victory was not legitimate even though they know deep down that it was.

While it is difficult to firmly establish what respondents truly believe, clues suggest this is a genuine belief. One piece of evidence is that the result is nearly identical in phone surveys and online surveys. When people respond to phone surveys, those responses are often biased by what social scientists call “social desirability,” in which respondents say what they think makes them look good — even if that is not what they actually believe. Web-based surveys are known to reduce social desirability bias.

Other survey responses appear consistent with a true belief that the election was stolen. In our December UMass Poll, we asked those who said Biden’s presidential victory was illegitimate to select all the reasons they believed so from a list of conspiracy theories floated by those pushing the “big lie.” As you can see below, fully 83 percent say that “fraudulent ballots supporting Joe Biden were counted by election officials”; 81 percent that officials counted “absentee ballots from deceased people”; 76 percent tell us that “non-citizens and other ineligible voters were allowed to vote for Joe Biden”; 69 percent that the victory was illegitimate because “some states changed election rules in ways they should not have”; and 65 percent that election officials destroyed ballots supporting Trump.

In other words, not only do they say that Biden’s victory was not legitimate, but they endorse several (though not all) specific theories about how fraud was perpetrated.

Further, Republicans in our UMass Poll say they would be more likely to vote for 2022 GOP congressional candidates who questioned Bidens victory and less likely to vote for those who concede that Biden won. Using a conjoint experiment, an approach likely to reduce social desirability bias and expressive response, political scientists Vin Arceneaux and Rory Truex found that Republicans do indeed reward and punish candidates in this way. 

Republican respondents consistently tell pollsters that they doubt the legitimacy of Biden’s election. Apparently, that’s a genuinely held belief. (emphasis added)

The WaPo article described another polling technique to get at what Republicans really think without major distortion by cognitive or social bias. That experiment was a list experiment, which is a way to reduce social desirability bias and expressive responding. Here, people pick an item without having to directly tell pollster what they think. That avoids people telling about something embarrassing or feeling rewarded by telling a pollster a feeling rather than a true belief. 

Concerns about getting accurate data reflects how cognitive biology and social influences affect behavior in mostly subtle, unconscious but powerful ways. This is a big part of what makes polling so tricky and easy to get wrong. 

Note the emphasized paragraph. Republican candidates will be rewarded for questioning Biden’s win in 2020 and punished for not doing so. People, including candidates for office, do respond to incentives. Thus, we can reasonably expect continuous questioning of the 2020 election from radical right GOP candidates in 2022 and for as long as it remains an actual incentive. This big lie is probably not going to go away any time soon.

Acknowledgement: Thanks to salitcid for mentioning this article. 

Another description of neo-fascist propaganda surrounding the Dunham investigation

The American radical right, i.e., most of the GOP, its financial backers and rank and file, most Christian nationalists and all of the neo-fascist propaganda Leviathan (Fox News, etc.) is going berserk. John Dunham’s multi-year investigation of Democratic deep state treachery and pedophilia or whatever is a lightening rod for radical right authoritarian propaganda. A Washington Post opinion piece nicely lays out the Republican lies, hyperbole, faux moral outrage, rabid slanders, crackpot reasoning, etc.:
Those of us in the media who worry about misinformation regularly face a dilemma: When some appalling new story emerges of political actors lying to the public, should you confront it? Or will the attempt to debunk the story only draw more attention to it, spreading the lies further?

There’s no perfect answer that fits every situation. But at the very least, it’s important to understand how systems of propaganda operate, so we can try to minimize the damage they do. And never in our history has there been a propaganda system that operates with the skill, enthusiasm and outright shamelessness of the one conservatives have working for them right now.

That’s depressingly evident in the latest “blockbuster” story gripping the right, a story built on a grab bag of misleading assertions, misinterpretations and outright lies. It forces us to ask yet again: Is it possible to have a healthy democracy when so much of it is soaking in misinformation?

The current story concerns John Durham, the special counsel who has spent almost three years investigating the investigation into Russia’s attempts to subvert the 2016 election. You can read a comprehensive rundown of the facts here or here.

Durham has indicted Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann for allegedly lying to the FBI, which Sussmann denies. In 2016, Sussmann, whose firm was doing legal work for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, gave the FBI a tip involving supposedly suspicious internet traffic between servers in Trump buildings and a Russian bank; it turned out to be nothing nefarious.

Sussman got the information through another client of his, Rodney Joffe, a technology executive with government cybersecurity contracts, including one that involved protecting the White House from cyber attacks.

In a court filing last week, Durham alleged that Joffe “exploited” his arrangement with the White House to obtain the data in question “for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."

Joffe vigorously denies this. His spokesperson says examining such data was par for the course, as he was doing cybersecurity work for the government, and in late 2016, everyone was appropriately concerned about Russian hacking. Durham has not indicted Joffe for anything.

But this is where the propaganda machine goes nuclear.

Fox News is treating this like a stunning revelation (“Worse than Watergate” trumpeted Sean Hannity), dramatically amping up the story with each retelling. After all, it isn’t good enough to say a lawyer with a second-order connection to the Clinton campaign got information from another client with legitimate access to White House internet traffic data; that’s not nearly scandalous enough.

So Fox published a headline reading “Clinton campaign paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia, Durham finds.” The Washington Examiner claimed Sussmann “spied on Trump’s White House office” — even though the internet data came from 2016, when Barack Obama was president.

“Hillary broke into a presidential candidate’s computer server and a sitting president’s computer server,” claimed Fox host Jesse Watters ludicrously. “There, her hackers planted evidence, fabricated evidence connecting Trump to Russia.”

Tucker Carlson added that Clinton’s campaign stole “presumably text messages,” which not even Durham alleges.

These are all lies. This is not about “hacking,” no evidence was planted and the data on White House traffic came from when Obama was president. You can argue that Durham’s filing was itself misleading and tendentious, but even if every word of it was true, what they were saying on Fox was outrageously false.

But the propaganda machine doesn’t stop there. Republican politicians — even those who know better — see their constituents being fed this line, so they rush to get in on the act:

The coverage has gone meta; Fox is now angrily asking why other news outlets are not matching their breathless coverage of this nothingburger, feeding their viewers’ paranoid fantasies about cover-ups and conspiracies.

So in no time, we move from questionable claims to obviously false allegations to demands for legal retaliation against political opponents to whining about their own victimhood, with the enthusiastic participation of GOP officeholders, none of whom has the courage to say, “Hey guys, I hate Hillary as much as anyone, but it seems like we’re running out ahead of the facts here.”

That’s because every Republican relies on the propaganda machine. It helps their own campaigns. It keeps the base in a state of perpetual anger. And if you question it, you will become its enemy.

This is happening while there’s an entire trial going on in New York about a single inaccurate word in a New York Times editorial about Sarah Palin — an editorial that was quickly corrected. The Times is falling all over itself to explain how it got something wrong, and no one on the left is defending the paper. Meanwhile, Fox programming contains extraordinary amounts of factual errors, misleading assertions and outright lies, almost none of which ever get corrected.

So where does that leave us? The unfortunate answer is that when a propaganda apparatus such as this one is so deeply embedded within one of our parties, it becomes almost impossible to puncture. Fantasies are accepted as fact, lies become immune to refutation and anyone who displays even a modicum of honesty is denounced as a traitor.

There may be a solution out there, a strategy to pull our politics back to reality. But if there is, we haven’t found it yet. (emphasis added)

Question: Is there a solution or strategy out there to pull our politics back to reality, or are we and democracy probably hosed?