
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Friday, February 21, 2025

MAGA's emerging rule of law subversion tactic: Find or make ways to ignore court decisions

This is an attempt to describe generally the process of legal reasoning in the field of case law, and in the interpretation of statutes and of the Constitution. It is important that the mechanism of legal reasoning should not be concealed by its pretense. The pretense is that the law is a system of known rules applied by a judge; the pretense has long been under attack. In an important sense legal rules are never clear, and, if a rule had to be clear before it could be imposed, society would be impossible. The mechanism accepts the differences of view and ambiguities of words. It provides for the participation of the community in resolving the ambiguity by providing a forum for the discussion of policy in the gap of ambiguity. On serious controversial questions it makes it possible to take the first step in the direction of what otherwise would be forbidden ends. The mechanism is indispensable to peace in a community.” -- Former US Attorney General, Edward H. Levy, An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, 1949

Over the years, I have discussed the concept of our sloppy laws and Constitution. Congress is sloppy about writing laws and the Constitution itself have major sources of ambiguity. Also, because the English language tends to be imprecise, court decisions often leave room for varying interpretation. All of that fuels endless disagreements resolvable only by democratic compromise or authoritarian coercion or force. On top of that mess, humans in partisan politics mode are usually morally weak and more irrational than not. MAGA is the epitome of deceit-driven, irrational and immoral politics. That's little different from authoritarian fascism, communism and Christian theocracy were in their day. 

A key hallmark of authoritarianism and kleptocracy is the rule of those in power instead of the rule of law. Dictators, theocrats and plutocrats all tell the world they obey the rule of law, but that is a flat out lie. They make the laws and enforce them as they see fit. A NYT article (not paywalled) discusses MAGA's tactic of disobeying court inconvenient decisions by finding or creating loopholes: 

The Trump administration is systematically exploiting loopholes to effectively keep much of the president’s blanket spending freezes in place, accounts by officials and court filings show, despite restraining orders from judges who have told agencies to disregard the directives.

The administration’s strategy is to have political appointees embedded in various agencies invoke other legal authorities to pause spending, while posturing as if those officials had undertaken the efforts independent of President Trump’s original directives.

As we can all see, corrupt djt administration officials pay lip service to complying with the letter of the court orders while violating their spirit. This aggressive, nimble tactic shows allows the djt administration to keep funds blocked. Judge have to deal with enormous complexity when they try to compel the administration to release the money. 

The NYT describes an example of djt's loophole tactic. This came in a declaration filed three days ago by MAGA thug Pete Marocco. Marocco is the appointee leading djt’s effort to get rid of the USAID by imposing a freeze on nearly all foreign aid spending. In the declaration Marocco said USAID officials were told not to enforce a court order releasing funds that had been frozen by djt. The money is still blocked because the agency’s payment system is nonfunctional. Thus it is impossible to keep humanitarian aid money flowing. 

Corrupt MAGA thug Morocco

That is not a legal loophole in the court order to unfreeze the money. But it is a subversion tactic implemented by sabotage. Here, the djt administration made a way to blow off a federal court order. The MAGA excuse is that djt wants tighter control over federal spending and is implementing new payment procedures. That is why payments cannot be made. The same tactic is being applied elsewhere. Other domestic grant programs are now also broken because the systems that allow them to draw down on the funds have remained inaccessible.

The depth and breadth of MAGA's cynical authoritarian intent and insulting mendacity cannot be much clearer. The rule of law is under direct attack and federal judges are incapable of fighting back so far. Of course, some are secretly complicit.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

MAGA proposes a big Medicaid cut

To pay for ~$4.5 trillion in tax cuts for rich people and powerful corporations, djt proposes a mandatory $2 trillion cut in Medicaid. djt endorsed a House bill that breaks his promise to never touch Medicaid. House Republicans proposed a budget plan that raises the debt ceiling by $4 trillion and includes $4.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy. The compulsory Medicaid cut will make health care more expensive, probably inaccessible for large swathes of America. $2 trillion cut spread over 10 years. As recently as a few days ago, djt said he wouldn’t make cuts to Medicaid. Oops.

According to one poll, about 38% of djt voters or a family member are on Medicaid. The data indicates that Red states will generally be hardest hit. So, some low income folks will be losing their health insurance. Maybe a lot of them. It will be interesting to see what reaction, if any, there is from the rank and file and Republicans in congress. They can always blame the Joe Biden crime family, Hillary, Benghazi, missing emails and Hunter's laptop, Jewish space lasers, windmills, brain worms, . . . . . . . 

As usual, Republicans trot out their classic “trickle-down” economics bullshit. They shamelessly lie to us. Repubs tell us their proposed budget is soooo good for all of us, but it really isn't. What a fracking insult.

House Republican Steve Scalise blithered, “There will be a lot of economic growth. And if you think about what happened in 2017—dramatic economic growth, possibly even more this time.” Really Steve?? Lying Repubs need to come up with something better than just gaslighting us. 

A history bit
The Reaganomics (1981-1986) tax cuts in the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 significantly lowered tax rates. That led to an unprecedented $1.3 trillion budget deficit. Since 2000, tax cuts reduced federal revenue by trillions, mostly benefitting the wealthy. From 2001 through 2018, tax cuts reduced tax revenue by $5.1 trillion. About two-thirds of that went to the top 20%, while deficit increased by ~$5.9 trillion. By the end of 2025, the tax cuts are projected to be ~$10.6 trillion. Nearly $2 trillion of this will have gone to the richest 1 percent. By then, the total impact on the deficit is projected to be ~$13.6 trillion, including interest payments.

Wheeee!! It works!!
(for the rich)

What do you think?


Philosophically speaking, here’s something rather on the heavy side:

We can’t all be movers and shakers, renowned for shaping world opinion.  But we can all contribute in some way to the human society (humanity).  So, I’m thinking/wondering…

Q: What do you believe is the most important* quality you, as an individual (or anyone really), can give to/leave behind as your legacy to humanity?

Give it some thought.  Thanks for posting and recommending.

(by PrimalSoup)


*Note- "Important" is a subjective-type attribute.  So if you want to use another word there, please do, and explain your reasoning.  I use the word "important” meaning “a force for construction rather than destruction”; also subjective terms, I grant you.  Maybe even not doing something (stealing, lying, cheating, etc.) can be a form of contribution.

"Election integrity" update: The battle to subvert the 2026 mid-terms is underway

Not surprisingly, MAGA elites are turning their attention to the parts of Project 2025 that deal with neutering elections and undermining election security. MAGA calls the efforts election integrity, but in fact they are election subversion tactics. Djt and MAGA want to convert free and fair elections into authoritarian shams. This goal was presaged by Viktor Orban, who killed off elections in Hungary within two years of his election in 2010. Slate writes:
In its crusade against federal agencies, the Trump administration is targeting our election system, making potentially dangerous reductions to protections that help keep elections free, fair, and secure. On Friday, the acting director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency sent a memo to all agency staff notifying them that “all election security activities” would be paused pending the results of an internal investigation. The memo also stated that the administration was cutting off all funds to the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center—a Department of Homeland Security–funded organization that helps state and local officials monitor, analyze, and respond to cyberattacks targeting the nation’s election hardware and software.

The work of CISA and the EI-ISAC has been central to election security in the United States for most of the past decade, providing state and local election officials with critical tools and assistance to defend against cyber and physical threats to election systems. These steps and other recent blows to federal election guardrails were foretold in Project 2025.

Changes to CISA began shortly after Kristi Noem was sworn in as secretary of Homeland Security, which oversees the agency. Beyond the announced election security pause and defunding of EI-ISAC, the agency also put critical election security staff on leave and targeted them for potential termination. These staff .... were reportedly targeted because they had previously been involved with the agency’s efforts to communicate accurate information about election security to election officials and the public.

The article goes on to comment that in view of MAGA attacks on CISA’s work, the djt administration wants to permanently gut the agency’s election security role. That was a Project 2025 goal. In addition, attorney general Pam Bondi disbanded the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force. That, along with neutering the Federal Elections Commission, were other Project 2025 targets for disposal. The FBI task force was established during Trump’s first term, after Russian interference in the 2016 election, including hacked campaign emails and poisoning public opinion using social media. djt and MAGA elites have invited Russia back to participate in American elections.

The questions du jour, (i) to what extent will the 2026 mid-term elections be subverted, and (ii) how much honest information about that will flow to the public? Time will tell.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

DJT declares a major step into dictatorship: I TOLDJA THIS WAS COMING!

Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), 2018: “. . . . . the people don't have a way to fire the bureaucrats. What we mostly do around this body is not pass laws. What we mostly decide to do is to give permission to the secretary or the administrator of bureaucracy X, Y or Z to make law-like regulations. That’s mostly what we do here. We go home and we pretend we make laws. No we don’t. We write giant pieces of legislation, 1200 pages, 1500 pages long, that people haven’t read, filled with all these terms that are undefined, and say to secretary of such and such that he shall promulgate rules that do the rest of our dang jobs. That’s why there are so many fights about the executive branch and the judiciary, because this body rarely finishes its work. And, the House is even worse.”

Assuming this not some kind of sophisticated hoax, at this link, , DJT declares fully himself above the law in dealing with independent agencies in the executive branch. 

What this means
The executive order (EO) asserts that all executive power is vested in the President, and all executive branch officials and employees are subject to his supervision without any constraint by any court or law that congress passes. The EO falsely claims that the President has the complete authority to interpret laws within the executive branch, even if they contradict what the president says they mean. The EO specifies that the President and the Attorney General, allegedly under the President's supervision and control, will exclusively interpret all laws that impinge on the executive branch in any way. This is a de facto assertion of legal power and authority within the executive branch.

Think about that for a moment. Think what it means. When congress passes one of its sloppy, incoherent laws, as it routinely does, the ambiguity inherent in slop and irrationality gives DJT vast power tom interpret most laws in almost any way he wants. But even worse, even if a law is clear and coherent, but it infringes on any executive power, DJT can simply ignore it by saying it is unconstitutional. If the Senate rejects a DJT nominee for some federal position, he can ignore it. He can claim it is an unconstitutional infringement on his power. 

This EO will probably be challenged in federal court. I don't know how much or what kinds of damage this will cause before the courts intervene. Public Citizen comments:
“The Federal Election Commission, for example, is independent of presidential control so that it can serve its election integrity mission without partisan favor. For all the FEC’s many faults, it would be far worse under the thumb of Trump and his OMB hatchet man, Russ Vought.

“The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are charged with defending consumer and investor rights and protecting market integrity. Their independence is designed to enable them to perform these duties without undue political pressure from giant corporations, the super rich and the super-connected. Trump’s EO would dissolve that independence and put the agencies under Trump’s thumb, ensuring they turn a blind eye to wrongdoing by favored corporations and leave consumers and investors out to dry.

“Not incidentally, both the FTC and SEC have ongoing investigations or enforcement actions against companies owned by Elon Musk. “Americans should understand exactly what this is: A giant gift to the corporate class and a Trumpian power grab.”

Remember that post I posted yesterday? It focused on DJT neutering independent agencies that protect consumers and workers, by limiting the power of dictators, kleptocrats, billionaires and monopolists.  Specifically, DJT moved against the FTC (consumers, dictators, kleptocrats, billionaires and monopolists), the NLRB (dictators, workers, billionaires) and the CPSC (consumers, dictators, billionaires). This significantly expands on the scope of America's kleptocratic dictatorship to other independent agencies like the SEC and Federal Elections commission. Congress made them independent to try to keep them from being corrupted by a corrupt president or powerful corporations. 

DJT and MAGA elites now undeniably assert full blown dictatorship over a major, critically important portion of the federal government. They massively lie about it, calling it "restoring accountability." That is no different than Republican state legislatures passing voter suppression and election subversion laws, calling them "election integrity" laws. 

Qs: Is this just a temporary tempest in a teapot designed to create chaos and distraction, i.e., is it just a smoke screen to temporarily allow time for DJT and elite MAGA thugs to sabotage, break, pillage and loot the federal government? Or are DJT and MAGA elites making a dead serious run at full blown kleptocratic dictatorship, intending to expand unchecked executive power beyond independent agencies or even the executive branch itself?


Too much time on my hands

 How many of YOU have too much time on YOUR hands?

Ok, so what is THIS thread about. It's about time on my hands and what is occupying my mind.

Let me be specific:

I find myself at home today with a winter bug of some sort, not feeling well, so got.................. time on my hands.

So, had my cuppa, turned on the news. Channel A - Trump. Channel B - Trump. Channel C - the other news dominating the Canadian news networks - the plane crash at Toronto airport, after that, guess what? Trump. 

As if there were NO OTHER NEWS in the world except for Trump this and Trump that.


Florida man shot Israeli visitors thinking they were Palestinians

Won't find THAT story on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CBC, Global, BBC, NBC, CBS. 

So, with all this time on my hands, what should I do with myself today?

Oh, I know, pop onto Germaine's and bitch how we are spending too much time thinking about Trump, or watching what he is up to 24/7............ while not realizing the irony of doing so.