
DP Etiquette

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Thursday, November 12, 2020



YES - this is strictly MY theory, SNOWFLAKE'S theory, so you are more than welcome to disagree with it.

I HAVE been reading more and more headlines lately about "TRUMPISM", and how it will still be with us long after Trump.

IN FACT, Trumpism by another name has been with us for decades and it only took Trump to bring it to the surface.


Call it the darkest before the dawn theory, or call it the storm before the calm theory, but I think we needed Trumpism to usher in a new era in the good Ole U.S. of A.

NOT making headlines is that five states had ballot initiatives about passing legal cannabis laws, and in all five, the initiative passed.

MORE AND MORE individuals, cities and states are moving towards alternative energies. HELL, electric charging stations for electric cars are popping up all over the place.

AND ENTIRE GENERATION of young people are growing up and reaching voting age that view the Environment as a #1 priority, as well as some form of Universal health care.

By 2050, or some sites saying even before that, Whites will be in the minority in the U.S. The Right can only do so much gerrymandering or passing of Voter ID laws, and still not be able to stem the tide.

I GET IT - 70 million voted for Trump, but I believe, and hence MY theory, that this was the last gasp of the middle age, middle income, middle (and southern) Americans who want desperately to keep their image of America alive - Bibles, guns, football, pick-up trucks and backyard BBQs.

BUT a record number of people also voted for Biden, despite all the measures put into place to disenfranchise legitimate voters, and Biden could NOT have won with just the minority vote. A LOT OF WHITES would have had to vote for him too.

I could spend my time posting links to numerous articles on the subject of a changing America, but I only have to use my eyes and ears:

Gay marriage being more accepted, more states legalizing cannabis, white suburbs becoming more and more interracial, black entrepreneurs popping up all over the place.

YES, I KNOW that this is still a white man's country, abortion rights are being overturned in many states, and we have to wring our hands at having a conservative SCOTUS, but.....

The trendlines are moving left, they really are, just think back to what it was like in the 60s and 70s (if you are old enough to remember that far back).

Progress is irritatingly slow, with many bumps along the road, but I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that over the next couple of decades we will end up looking more like Europe and Canada than the States of the 1950s (which a lot of people are fearing we are regressing into)

Maybe one needs to be a SNOWFLAKE or an optimist to see the silver lining, but I BELIEVE that we needed Trump to show us the ugly underbelly of the monster, and that having seen the ugly underbelly, we will be even MORE motivated to bring about CHANGE.

THAT is my theory anyways.