One radical right GOP line of argument was to point to the damage an impeachment would do. That clearly signals that future allegedly unwarranted and unreasonable democratic bad acts will justify similar future bad acts by republicans, e.g., impeachment. That logic is simple: If there is a democratic wrong in our opinion, we will do a second wrong when we get the chance. In other words, there was no hint of House republicans even wanting to rise above partisanship despite what the president did. What the president did is simply beside the point. It was not even something most House republicans acknowledged. So, if the dems do something in the future that republicans believe is bad and unjustified, republicans damn well will do the same back at dems when they get the chance. That logic is just plain nuts.
Another indication of the depth of partisan poison is McConnell's apparent change of heart about what the president did. Yesterday, he said he supported impeachment. Today he said he is unsure.
Is there more basis for optimism than I am seeing? If so, what am I missing?
And, I am still trying to wrap my brain around the deplatforming of the president. The radical right is livid about it.