The U.S. is supposedly the wealthiest nation on earth… renowned for its institutions of higher learning, has the most prolific innovators of medical and other technologies, a true beacon of freedom and democracy, and yada, yada, yada. Such is what we tell ourselves, though I don’t know how much of that is actually true. But the majority of us believe it, have been indoctrinated to believe it, boast about it, etc., and etc. But can we prove it?
But that’s not what this OP is about. However, for the sake of argument, let’s assume it’s all true. We are the greatest (GOAT)! 😉
Q: What I’m wondering is, if we are so great, why can’t we work together toward common goals?
Goals such as sustainable clean energies (good for the earth, good for us); universal health care, cradle to grave; free higher education for all its citizens… you know, the kinds of stuff that lifts all boats. What really is our problem? Why all the discord? Left hand constantly fighting with the right hand (political pun intended).
What is at the heart of this problem? Explain it to me, like I’m a five-year-old (a la Denzel Washington in “Philadelphia”). Great movie, btw.
Thanks for posting and recommending.