No, not really 😏
But that is the world we live in now, where all media outlets are considered biased or promoting "fake news" when really a lot of us prefer sites that will confirm our already intrenched confirmation bias.
There is still a big diff between biased news, or biased opinion, and simply awful wackadoodle sources.
I have seen Righties continually refer to Breitbart, Washington Examiner, or Newsmax for their sources. If you THINK that is bad, what about ZeroHedge, Epoch Times or fake medical sites like Mercola?
My take always has been: be critical, use more than one source, and don't be afraid of using factchecking sites.
Mind you, Rightwingers believe factchecking sites are themselves Left leaning.
On another political site I read this commentary and agree with it:
So, in a nutshell, I can understand not trusting CNN, or MSNBC, or some sources that are even to the Left of those two. THEY ARE BIASED. On occasion they get caught with their pants down, as happens to NYTimes and WAPO. BUT not nearly as often as Fox gets caught with their pants down. Yet neither CNN or FOX are among the worst "news and information" sites.
I did find a site that gives a more detailed account of how to recognize fake and biased news:
Meanwhile I DO use Mediabiasfactcheck to check the sagacity of media sources, and Mediabiasfactcheck checks both Right and Left bias:
However, there is within Mediabiasfactcheck two categories that I pay particular attention to because the outlets listed on those two categories ARE typically Rightwing wacko outlets:
Now, WHAT ABOUT Germaine's tendency to use Leftist news sources?? 😁