Quackery triggers me. It has for decades.
On TV today, being momentarily distracted with real life* I failed to hit the mute button once the commercials came on. My mistake.
* Getting my lunch corn on the cob out of the microwave.
In a stupor of disbelief, I listened to an entire TV ad by former supermodel Cindy Crawford. She was hawking a youth-restoring skin product the marketers call Meaningful Beauty. The "science" behind this miracle product comes from Dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh at his clinic in Paris. According to Crawford's website:
After my first treatment of super antioxidants from a rare melon in the South of France I saw instant, glowing results.
Dr. Sebagh and I developed Meaningful Beauty as an easy-to-use system that delivers younger-looking skin by combining science, technology and nature. The powerful melon super antioxidants are the secret to the formulas — and exclusive to Meaningful Beauty.
Well, being an old fart with wrinkly skin, I immediately looked for peer-reviewed science publications by Sebagh. I want instant youth too! Sadly, there are none.
I then breathlessly went to Crawford's FAQ page to look for the ingredients so that I could evaluate the possible mechanism of action of this miracle, face-saving product. Oops, no list of ingredients unless a consumer (sucker) buys it. See the Q&A at the bottom of the image.
By golly it's magic, rare muskmelon leaves!!
And, It's never too late — and never too early —
to start taking care of your skin!!!