… well, murder.
It’s been almost 30 years since O.J. Simpson was the talk of
the town. Many of us saw the trial,
heard the evidence, drew our own conclusions.
So, what do you think?
Did O.J. get away with murder?
If you’re old enough to remember it, and your answer is no,
he didn’t do it, what convinced you of his innocence? What gave you that necessary “reasonable doubt?”
If yes, he did it, what was the most convincing evidence
to you. Here are some reminders:
Criminal Trial Evidence
1. The
9-1-1 call and the history of Simpson's violence directed at Nicole Brown.
Hair evidence: (1) hairs consistent with that of Simpson found on cap at Bundy
residence, (2) hairs consistent with that of Simpson found on Ron Goldman's
Fiber evidence: (1) cotton fibers consistent with the carpet in the Bronco
found on glove at Rockingham, (2) fibers consistent with the carpet from the
Bronco found on cap at Bundy residence.
Blood evidence: (1) killer dropped blood near shoe prints at Bundy, (2) blood
dropped at Bundy was of same type as Simpson's (about 0.5% of population would
match), (3) Simpson had fresh cuts on left hand on day after murder, (4) blood
found in Bronco, (5) blood found in foyer and master bedroom of Simpson home,
(5) blood found on Simpson's driveway, (6) blood on socks in OJ's home matched
Glove evidence: (1) left glove found at Bundy and right glove found at Simpson
residence are Aris Light gloves, size XL, (2) Nicole Brown bought pair of Aris
Light XL gloves in 1990 at Bloomingdale's, (3) Simpson wore Aris Light gloves
from 1990 to June, 1994.
Shoe evidence: (1) shoe prints found at Bundy were from a size 12 Bruno Magli
shoe, (2) bloody shoe impression on Bronco carpet is consistent with a Magli
shoe, (3) Simpson wore a size 12 shoe.
Other evidence: (1) flight in Bronco, (2) strange reaction to phone call
informing him of Nicole Brown's death, etc.
Do you believe the police planted evidence?
Did the police bungle the job?
Was this “pay back” time, as has been said?
Other thoughts on that case.
I raise this OP question because, in light of Trump’s upcoming
trials, I’m wondering if Trump will “get away with” all the shenanigans he’s
been seemingly involved in. Will it end
up just like O.J.’s case, where all the evidence in the world won’t be convincing
enough? So, while you’re at it, comment
on Trump’s potential trial outcomes.