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Friday, August 30, 2024

What is a uniparty?


From Ralph Nader to Steve Bannon, self-styled populists and outsiders have disparaged Washington’s “uniparty.” When this critique turns to foreign policy, the uniparty is accused of groupthink and militarism—dragging the U.S. into unnecessary and endless wars while neglecting the concerns of regular Americans.

While the epithet is often overstated and used in bad faith, it contains a kernel of truth. Foreign-policy experts from both parties agree on a lot, and that consensus can lead to poor decisions. The wars in Gaza and Ukraine, as well as America’s geopolitical competition with China, expose a bipartisan problem of this sort that critics of U.S. foreign policy frequently miss.

Today’s uniparty isn’t defined by a zeal to export democracy and launch ill-advised wars against governments that don’t threaten us. Rather, it is defined, on both the Democratic and the Republican side, by a lack of initiative and an urge to do things on the cheap and halfheartedly, to manage crises instead of resolving them. It is also fundamentally dishonest, as it suggests that peace and security can be sustained without major sacrifices.

You hear a lot of griping about the alleged “uniparty” — really just relatively rare areas of agreement between Democrats and Republicans — but those gripes rarely address the most consequential, and harmful, areas where the two parties agree. Neither party wants to tackle Social Security, Medicare, or any other entitlement-reform proposal; both parties have convinced themselves that tariffs are the road to prosperity; and, to take an example near and dear to my heart, neither party is all that interested in investigating or discussing the origin of Covid anymore. 

Large, irreconcilable differences remain between Republicans and Democrats on such issues as immigration, environmental policy, guns, taxes, religious liberty, the role of the courts, and the politicization of government agencies. That is not to say there are no areas in which both parties are complicit in bad policy. They have both presided over years of ballooning budgets and skyrocketing deficits and have refused to address the entitlement spending at the root of our fiscal crisis.

Sure, there is a de facto uniparty............

What is the Uniparty?

The uniparty is a political machine that dominates the landscape of American politics, a shadowy entity that transcends the traditional boundaries of the two-party system. Comprised of the establishment elites from both sides of the aisle, this unspoken alliance prioritizes the interests of the wealthy and powerful, maintaining the status quo and stifling any real change that might threaten their dominance. 

Through a complex web of financial interests, backroom deals, and media manipulation, the uniparty sustains itself, creating the illusion of choice while offering little in the way of genuine alternatives. Voters are presented with two sides of the same coin, each offering different flavors of the same failed policies, while those who challenge this system are dismissed as outsiders or extremists.

The uniparty's stranglehold on American politics has far-reaching consequences, undermining the democratic process and eroding trust in our institutions. It perpetuates a system that prioritizes the needs of the few over the needs of the many, leaving average Americans to suffer the consequences of a rigged game.
From taxation to foreign policy, the uniparty's influence is pervasive, and its impact is felt in every corner of society. Its interests are not those of the people, but rather those of the wealthy donors and special interests that keep it in power.

The uniparty is a threat to democracy and a barrier to progress. It represents a political system that has lost touch with the needs and aspirations of the people, and it is time for a change. Only by shining a light on the uniparty's inner workings and rejecting its tired narratives can we hope to restore true representation and democratic values to our nation

The "Uniparty" is a term that describes the globalist establishment's control over politics and policy to the extent that every or nearly every major political party or politician are controlled by them and, thus, have far more in common than different, policy-wise. It is essentially synonymous with the deep state, as it retains control almost regardless of which political party or politician is elected.

All makes sense, doesn't it? Doesn't it?