
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Regarding the collapse of truth

404 Media reports about the ongoing collapse of truth in social media:
"Insulting, criticizing, or antagonizing our colleagues or Board members is not aligned with the CEE (Community Engagement Expectations)." 
Meta’s HR team is deleting internal employee criticism of new board member, UFC president and CEO Dana White, at the same time that CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced to the world that Meta will “get back to our roots around free expression,” 404 Media has learned. Some employee posts questioning why criticism of White is being deleted are also being deleted.  
Other employees criticized the decision and raised the point that there is video of White slapping his wife in a nightclub; White was not arrested and was not suspended from UFC for the domestic violence incident. .... “I can kind of excuse individuals for being unaware, but Meta surely did their due diligence on White and concluded that what he did is fine. I feel like I’m on another planet,” another employee commented. “We have completely lost the plot,” a third said.


Left: Zuckerbucks (as DJT calls him), "The super wealthy"
Right: Dana White, "The Wife-Slapping Fibber"

Who is Dana White? Good question. Here is how some of the peanuts in the gallery describe him and the truth vs dark free speech situation in social media:

1. For the very old-timers who remember Dana White's time on the Usenet as a regular old poster, before his mobbed-up cronies purchased the UFC from SEG, you may recall the evolution of Dana's background:
    • Claimed to be a former professional boxer. This was false.
    • Then claimed to be a former amateur boxer. Also false.
    • Then claimed to be a boxing trainer and coach. Predictably false.
    • Finally admitted he was a Boxercize coach at a strip mall gym.
2. Internal content moderation (dissent) while killing content moderation is on point for tech culture hypocrisy.

3. You can't get into their bubbles and fight back on their turf. They control the algorithm dictating what the users see and don't see. To expand, you can’t beat the algorithms with facts, sources, logic, or kindness. Who gets their message boosted, and whose messages get disappeared. Don't hang around a dead platform hoping it'll change. Twitter is just Nazis and creeps now. Facebook, soon to follow.

4. I’m ex-Google, now Meta. Both companies have cracked down severely on internal dissent through internal moderation. Google’s Memegen used to be extremely political and often divisive, now that sort of speech is limited / prohibited. Facebook is not a social network anymore. It's an ad/propaganda network.

Ooh, we don't wanna be misaligned with community engagement expectations. That's a big no-no. 💩 Of course, the community is Facebook executives, like Dana. Meanwhile, the rest of us in the booboisie are just an expendable resource, often a smally nuisance, to harvest cash from. We don't need to know any stinking truth. As Zuckerbucks once said when asked why people gave him their personal information in the early days of Facebook:

People just submitted it. I don't know why. 
They trust me. Dumb fucks.

But seriously, where is actual, honest to God truth in all of this? It is dead and gone. ☠️ 

It got killed as collateral damage, well, actually actual intended damage, by fine people on both sides “getting back to their roots around free expression.” They want dark free speech, a/k/a “free expression”, to run free, wild and butt naked throughout all of America. Facts, sources, logic, and kindness are dead! Hail to Nazis and creeps, crackpots and cranks, and DJT and MAGA!!

See, nothing to worry 
about here
Auto parts are secure!

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