
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

An essay about political opposition to true fascism

I post this as a companion piece to what Snowflake posted earlier today, The Obsession With Trump is Pathological

The April 15 issue of The Economist published an obituary for Traute Lafrenz. Here is some of it:

Traute Lafrenz
To look misery in the eye

The last member of the White Rose group died on March 6th, aged 103

The leaflets are called Flugblätter in German: “flying sheets of paper”. And on that February morning in 1943, they did just that. The students had been carrying so many in their suitcase—perhaps 1,800—far too many to deliver safely. And so in high spirits, or maybe foolishness, they had just thrown the rest over the balustrade into the grand atrium of Munich University below. Down fell the leaflets begging their “Fellow Students!” to stand up to the Nazis. Down, like snow, fluttered the leaflets raging against the “godless, shameless” Nazis. Down, down fell the leaflets bearing the cry: “Freedom and honor!”

The Gestapo, when they finally arrested Traute Lafrenz, would ask her about those leaflets. Did she know about them? Yes, she said, now they mentioned it, she did. Her friend Hans had shown her one. And did she understand, the Gestapo asked, that such a leaflet was subversive material? Of course Traute understood. How could she not? Her friend Hans had already been executed for them, as had his sister Sophie and her friend Christoph. Her friends were being picked off one by one. Clearly she might be next. So did she understand, the Gestapo asked? Did she understand that they were subversive? Yes, she did, she said demurely; but it had seemed harmless, really, such nonsense!

And in a way, it had been harmless at first. Later, decades later, when streets had been renamed after the White Rose group, and films made of them, and statues sculpted of them, people would start to call it an “organization” and her a “hero”. No, she said. There was no “organization”. There was just her friend Hans, and his sister Sophie and some other friends. And they had done the leaflets, that was true: six in all, as well as some graffiti (Hans had painted “Down With Hitler!” and “Freedom!” all over Munich). But they hadn’t just done that: there had also been walking and biking and bathing and reading Tolstoy and falling in love. And she didn’t like that word “hero”: she was no hero. Just a witness.

Later, when she was living out her long life in America, Traute would always wonder: why Hans? Why had he started all this? He had been a much better Nazi than she at first. She’d never liked the Nazis: all that “Heil Hitler-ing” and shouting at school had grated on her; when one teacher had cursed her she’d just got on her bike and gone home. But Hans had willingly joined the Hitler Youth; he’d even been a banner-carrier at a Nuremberg rally—the photos show the sort of profile Leni Riefenstahl would have lingered over. But then his unease grew; then he began the leaflets. Then he was sent to the Eastern Front. On the way, the soldiers’ train had gone through Warsaw and they had seen the ghetto. “Misery looks us in the eye,” his friend wrote. “We turn away.” Then they turned back.

For the first run of leaflets, in the summer of 1942, the students had only managed 100 copies. Then they got better, typing them out on an old Remington typewriter then hand-cranking a duplicating machine: in later runs they did 10,000. The tone of the leaflets was uncompromising. They raged at the Germans for being “a shallow, spineless herd of mindless followers”; they raged at the slaughter of Stalingrad and at the “bestial” murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews. And above all they raged at German apathy. No German, the leaflets said, could claim to be free of these “inhumane crimes”. Every German, they said, “is GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY”. And they would not let them forget it: “We are your bad conscience. The White Rose will never leave you in peace!”  
She hadn’t done much, Traute was always clear on that: she’d just helped get paper and envelopes. Though they had to be careful: just buying paper was dangerous. Later, the Nazis would call their leaflets the “worst incident of highly treasonous propaganda” of the whole war. But Traute would always remember how calm Sophie had been: that January the two of them had just strolled through Ludwigstrasse, delighting in the sun and the warmth, to the stationer’s shop. There had been a horse outside and Sophie had stroked his neck. “Hey, Buddy!” she had said; then she’d walked into the shop with that same happy face. They’d cut her head off with a guillotine, too. 
It had all happened so fast. On the Thursday, just before Sophie threw those leaflets into the atrium, she had spotted Traute and called out to her. “Hey!” she’d said. Those ski boots Traute wanted to borrow? She should just take them, Sophie said, “in case I’m not home this afternoon.”

Sophie did not come home. The university’s caretaker had seen her throw the leaflets in the atrium; he rushed up the stairs and caught her and Hans. Their trial began on Monday morning and ended at 1pm. At 5pm, Sophie was led to the guillotine; then Hans. Just before the blade hit his neck, he had shouted out: “Long live freedom!” The whole thing was over in under ten minutes.

No, we're not there yet. But that's approximately or maybe almost exactly where we could wind up if we don't stand up and oppose the evil that is undeniably trying to swallow us right now.

For people who do not believe such a monstrosity is possible in modern America, you are wrong. Completely wrong. The monster is possible. It did not die at the end of WWII. Fascism never died. Most or all of its intolerant, brutally authoritarian sentiment it probably never will die in view of the human condition.

Look at what Viktor Orban did to democracy in Hungary in 2010-2012. Look at who the modern radical right Republican Party elites are in deep love with, Viktor Orban. Look at what the modern radical right Republican Party elites want to do to American government, i.e., use Schedule F[1] to force professional bureaucrats out of government, and replace them with loyal fascist thugs, exactly like what Orban did to Hungary's now-dead democracy.

Just some food for thought.

1. Wikipedia
A Schedule F appointment was a job classification in the excepted service of the United States federal civil service that existed briefly at the end of the Trump administration during 2020–2021. It would have contained policy-related positions, removing their civil service protections and making them easy to fire. It was never fully implemented, and no one was appointed to it before it was repealed at the beginning of the Biden administration.

The purpose of the provision was to increase the President's control over the federal career civil service. While proponents stated this would increase flexibility and accountability, it was widely criticized as providing means to retaliate against federal officials for political reasons. It was estimated that tens or hundreds of thousands of career employees could have lost their civil service protections, increasing the number of political appointments by a factor of ten.
Purging government of professionals and replacing them with fascist loyalists is how Orban subverted the Hungarian government as part of his successful effort to establish his dictatorship for life in Hungary.

The Obsession With Trump is Pathological

 Agree OR disagree, the following article hit some obvious notes for me. Are we OBSESSED with all things Trump?

Whenever I post anything on Twitter that somebody disagrees with, I know what’s coming. Predictably, somebody will call me a Trump supporter.

It doesn’t matter what the subject is. I can disagree with the way Biden withdrew from Afghanistan, say I don’t believe in child pornography, or mention inflation and somebody dredges up Trump.

Last week I published an article about adoption that had nothing to do with politics. It was a story about how my son and his wife are planning to adopt a special needs child. Sure enough, somebody responded by bringing up Trump.

The writer’s words regarding my son’s determination to move forward with the adoption were, “That’s the kind of character trait that had people still defending Trump after his supporters tried to burn down the capitol.”

Maybe he disagrees with foreign adoptions, or adoption of special needs children, or bringing them into the United States, and that’s fair commentary. But what on earth does any of this have to do with Trump? My son and daughter-in-law happen to be staunch Biden supporters, for what it’s worth.

After observing five plus years of media and social commentary and seeing responses to my own posts, I’ve concluded that our national obsession with Trump borders on pathology. Rather than driving people away from Trump or driving the former president into oblivion, the obsession is making him into a force to be reckoned with.

Amanda Marcotte wrote in a 2020 Salon article, “Are we addicted to Donald Trump? It’s a question that’s haunting journalists and political commentators, most of whom hate Trump but cannot deny that his name drives traffic and ratings. Even though Trump lost the election and Joe Biden will be the next president, Trump continues to be the big attention draw for political websites and cable news networks.”

Monica Crowley, an opinion contributor to The Hill, said, “President Trump left office seven months ago, but the pathologically obsessed left just can’t quit him. Every left-wing media outlet ceaselessly talks about and curses him like it’s August 2018. Yet their six-year-long, wild-eyed, anti-Trump mania has, in many ways, only made him stronger.”

The far left will continue to vilify Trump and the far right will continue to flock to his rallies. But those groups don’t count when it comes to elections. The swing voters are the deciders. They sit somewhere in the middle, wanting to get on with their lives without the extremism. If they believe one side is more fanatical than the other, they are likely to go in the opposite direction.

People who are so pathologically addicted to hating Trump that they can’t see through any other lens risk appearing fanatical. People in the middle, the swing voters, might start to think, Maybe Trump isn’t the real threat. Maybe it’s this rabid hatred that keeps us from being united.

We can’t have a reasonable political discussion anymore without it degenerating into name-calling if we don’t subscribe to every single opinion the other person is spouting. And swing voters are noticing.

If Trump runs for president in 2024, and it’s beginning to look like a real possibility, I hope people campaign against him based on ideas and convictions rather than hatred. Trump’s name calling and mockery didn’t get him re-elected, and a pathological hatred of him will not get his opponent elected.

My suggestion is that liberals return to liberal values and move beyond the narrowed thinking that has emerged from this singular obsession with Trump. Liberal values, in case you don’t remember, include critical thinking, tolerance, individualism, liberty, democracy and freedom.

In a 2011 article in HuffPost, Geoffrey Stone wrote, “Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that ‘time has upset many fighting faiths.’ Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate.”

This 2011 article seems like an echo from a distant, more tolerant time. In our current decade, ignorance and hatred are trampling reason. But I’m an optimist. I believe the one who promotes these liberal values will be the winner in the next election, because Americans in the middle are sick of the hate.

By Bebe Nicholson

Not that I necessarily agree with Bebe, after all there are GOOD reasons to be critical of  and concerned about the influence of Trump, but does Bebe have a point? Are there examples you can think of where conversations have turned to something Trump because someone has to make EVERYTHING about Trump? Just curious.

Friday, April 21, 2023

And the steady drip, drip, drip continues...

Texas Senate Passes Bill Requiring 10 Commandments in Every Classroom

Link here.

The legislature also passed a bill forcing schools to set aside time for students to pray and study religious texts.



Well, to me, this is indoctrination of the most presumptuous kind; pushing a particular religion, Christianity, on the masses of such a culturally diverse country as the U.S.

Children are in their formative years when in school.  Such religious imposition is an attempt to formulate their/a lifelong outlook on life, as it relates to religious beliefs.  It’s shutting their “freethinking/critical thinking box” up tight!  I, for one, don’t like it. 

If a child eventually comes to their own personal philosophies on life, or is indoctrinated with them at home, that’s one thing.  (I do believe parents/caretakers have their right to impose their beliefs on their kids, though I might not agree with those beliefs one tiny bit.)  But to impose such religious beliefs on the masses is quite another, IMO.

And you?  What do you think of this bill that now moves to the Texas state House of Representatives for passage?  Good, bad, indifferent, other?

Science: Droplets of Primordial Soup, the nearly perfect liquid at the time of the big bang

A Scientific American article writes about recreating a Primordial Soup (PS) that existed for less than one microsecond beginning at about 10 microseconds after the big bang. Counterintuitively, it turns out that the PS is an almost perfect liquid where the ingredients flow freely. 

This has never been observed by humans in nature before. The PS, also known as quark-gluon plasma, is made of quarks and gluons, not Susan. Quarks and gluons are what protons and neutrons are made of, which, along with electrons, is what atoms are made of. Physicists make PS by smashing heavy atom nuclei (electrons stripped off) into each other in huge atom smashers. 

PS from atom smashers exists for a very short period of time, far less than one second. PS has not existed in the universe since about 10 microseconds after the big bang. This is probably about the closest to re-creating conditions in the universe that existed near to the instant the big bang commenced.  

The main goal of this research is to better understand the strong force, which is what holds protons and neutrons together in atomic nuclei and subatomic particles in protons and neutrons. The strong force is the strongest of the four known forces. It is 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force (which binds electrons into atoms), 10,000 times stronger than the weak force (which governs radioactive decay), and a hundred million million million million million million (10^39) times stronger than gravity.
3 minute video about PS

A technician installing cables on the new sPHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Long Island's Brookhaven National Laboratory. Inside sPHENIX's cylindrical interior, atomic nuclei will collide to make droplets of a plasma that existed at the beginning of the cosmos.

Inside [the] proton you'll find a simple triad of three fundamental particles called quarks—two up quarks and one down quark. But the reality inside a proton is so much more complex that physicists are still trying to figure out its inner structure and how its constituents combine to produce its mass, spin and other properties.

The three quarks in the basic picture of the interior of a proton are merely the “valence quarks”—buoys bobbing on top of a roiling sea of quarks and antiquarks (their antimatter counterparts), as well as the sticky “gluon” particles that hold them together. The total number of quarks and gluons inside a proton is always changing. Quark-antiquark pairs are constantly popping in and out of existence, and gluons tend to split and multiply, especially when a proton gains speed. It's basically pure chaos. The strong force—the most powerful of the four fundamental forces of nature—keeps this mess confined to the insides of protons and neutrons. Except when it doesn't.

PS research is a window into the strong force, the least understood of all nature's forces. This force is described by a theory called quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which is so complicated that scientists can almost never use it to calculate anything directly.

Scientists predicted quark-gluon plasma long before they discovered it—although they expected it to take a very different form. .... Physicists expected that quarks and gluons, when freed from nuclei, would take the form of a uniformly expanding gaseous substance. “Usually fluids turn to gas as they get hotter,” says Berndt Mueller, a physicist at Duke University. It was a reasonable assumption: quarks and gluons aren't released from nuclei until they reach temperatures of trillions of degrees.

Instead of an expanding gas, the quark-gluon plasma looked like a liquid—a nearly perfect one, with almost no viscosity. In a gas, particles act individually; in a liquid, particles move cohesively. The stronger the interactions among particles—the more they can pull one another along—the “better” the liquid is at being a liquid. The RHIC observations showed that quark-gluon plasma exhibited less resistance to flow than any substance ever known. This, Mueller says, “was very much unexpected.”

In 2010 RHIC [Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider] researchers announced the first measurement of the quark-gluon plasma's temperature. It was a scorching four trillion degrees Celsius, far hotter than any other matter ever created by humans, and about 250,000 times hotter than the middle of the sun.

One of the biggest open questions about quark-gluon plasma is when, exactly, the quarks and gluons break out of their confinement. “Where is the boundary between usual matter and quark-gluon plasma?” physicist Haiyan Gao asks. “Where is the so-called critical point where the nuclear matter and the quark-gluon plasma coexist?”

Answering these questions could help with a larger goal: understanding the strong force, the most confusing of nature's fundamental forces. .... “You can write down the theory essentially in two lines, but actually solving it has not been really achieved,” theoretical physicist Bjoern Schenke says. “The process of confinement—how gluons and quarks are being trapped in the proton, for example—has not been solved.”

Inside RHIC's tunnels “stochastic cooling kickers” push the particles within the rings closer together to correct for their tendency to spread out as they travel. This ensures that as many particles as possible will collide inside the detectors.

News bits: Judicial rot deepens; A pillow guy Snippet; Etc.

James Ho, former clerk for Clarence Thomas is now a radical right federal judge. He was nominated by the fascist Trump and approved by fascist Republican Senators. Ho defends Thomas' blatant corruption. Above the Law writes:
Judge Ho Blows Off Clarence Thomas Taking $500K In Vacations Because 
Some Other Judges Own Stocks So... You Know... Something Something.

There are bad arguments and then there's whatever Judge Ho was trying to do here

While many conservatives have kept their heads down while Justice Thomas suffers the slings and arrows of the outrageous consequences of his own ethical lapses, his former clerk decided to take a turn justifying half-a-million dollars in gifted vacations and having a right-wing donor house a jurist’s mother rent-free while failing to disclose it for years despite the incredibly explicit language of the statute.

It’s not an easy fact pattern to square with, you know, the law. But where there’s a will, there’s an incredibly disingenuous way:

“Citizens deserve a government they can believe in. So I warmly welcome any good faith discussion about how to strengthen ethics in government,” Ho said in prepared remarks. “But we should apply the highest ethical standards, not hypocritical double standards.”

What the fuck does that even mean?

Because even if there were double standards at play here, he’s saying that taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in value and failing to comply with basic financial disclosure laws is not covered by “the highest ethical standards” somehow? Any “hypocritical double standards” could only implicate others, never absolve Thomas — at least without invoking the “well, Jamie’s mom let’s her do it” doctrine. And I don’t think that was recognized by the Framers.  
Ho pointed to a Wall Street Journal report that found more than 130 federal judges heard cases in which they or a family member owned stock in one of the involved companies, saying the report “did not accuse all of those judges of actual corruption. .... That’s an important distinction to draw. Because there’s a big difference between actual corruption and the appearance of corruption.”
That report determined that a whole bunch of judges failed to recuse themselves when a financial conflict existed.  
Ho said Thomas wasn’t the only justice to take trips that were sponsored by individuals or organizations that don’t have interests pending before the court, but that hasn’t been enough to trigger recusal.
One, it probably should be. Two, Judge Ho knows other justices took trips… because they disclosed them. Maybe transparency cures these breaches and maybe it doesn’t, but there’s not even an attempt out of this guy to justify concealing this. As an advocacy for Thomas, Ho’s remarks amount to a non-sequitur.
So once again the bad faith and ill will that America's fascist radical right routinely operates with is on public display. Here Ho is trying to excuse the appearance of conflicts to distract from actual conflicts and corruption that Thomas operates without concern or moral qualm. We can look forward to the next Republican president nominating Ho for the Supreme Court. 

Pillow guy snippet: The WaPo reports:
Mike Lindell’s firm told to pay $5 million in ‘Prove Mike Wrong’ 
election-fraud challenge

MyPillow founder and prominent election denier Mike Lindell made a bold offer ahead of a “cyber symposium” he held in August 2021 in South Dakota: He claimed he had data showing Chinese interference and said he would pay $5 million to anyone who could prove the material was not from the previous year’s U.S. election.

He called the challenge “Prove Mike Wrong.”

On Wednesday, a private arbitration panel ruled that someone did.

The panel said Robert Zeidman, a computer forensics expert and 63-year-old Trump voter from Nevada, was entitled to the $5 million payout.

Zeidman had examined Lindell’s data and concluded that not only did it not prove voter fraud, it also had no connection to the 2020 election. He was the only expert who submitted a claim, arbitration records show.

He turned to the arbitrators after Lindell Management, which created the contest, refused to pay him.

In their 23-page decision, the arbitrators said Zeidman proved that Lindell’s material “unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data.” They directed Lindell’s firm to pay Zeidman within 30 days.

The NYT writes about what the fascists are planning for 2025 with a fascist Republican in the White House:
Heritage Foundation Makes Plans to Staff Next G.O.P. Administration

No matter the Republican, the effort has set a goal of up to 20,000 potential officials in a database akin to a right-wing LinkedIn

“In 2016, the conservative movement was not prepared to flood the zone with conservative personnel,” Dr. Roberts said. “On Jan. 20, 2025, things will be very different. This database will prepare an army of vetted, trained staff to begin dismantling the administrative state from Day 1.”  
In late 2020, Mr. Trump issued an executive order that would establish a new employment category for federal workers, called “Schedule F.” Barely anyone noticed because the order was developed in strict secrecy over more than a year and issued only two weeks before the 2020 election.

Key officials involved with the federal civil service immediately grasped the significance of Schedule F and its potential to create a new federal work force in which loyalty to Mr. Trump was the highest criteria, they said.  
Mr. Trump’s staff estimated that Schedule F would give the president the power to terminate and replace as many as 50,000 career government officials who served in roles that influenced federal policy.

President Biden rescinded the Schedule F order on his third day in office, but over the past two years, several of Mr. Trump’s confidants, including his former budget director Russell T. Vought, have been working on a plan to re-enact the order and gut the federal civil service in a second Trump administration.
What that means is clear and undeniable. The fascists intend to get rid of business regulations and most federal regulatory agencies, gut consumer protections, kill democracy and civil liberties including voting rights, severely reduce domestic safety net spending, reduce taxes on the wealthy, and open the floodgates for state and federal tax dollars to flow into the coffers of big corporations and Christian churches, organizations and businesses. 

The only question is whether the fascists can pull it off. If Trump is re-elected, he won't care about professionals who are competent. Competence is not relevant to him. He cares about thugs who are loyal. 

What the GOP wants to do to American democracy is exactly the same as what Viktor Orban did to democracy in Hungary, i.e., kill it and replace it with dictatorship and single party rule. That is what a new and improved Schedule F will do to democracy and the federal government.

From the People Shooting People For No Reason Files: The AP writes:
A North Carolina man accused of shooting and wounding a 6-year-old girl and her parents after children went to retrieve a basketball that had rolled into his yard was arrested in Florida Thursday afternoon, authorities said.

The violence was the latest in a string of recent shootings sparked by seemingly trivial circumstances.

Robert Louis Singletary, 24, was arrested in the Tampa area by Hillsborough County deputies, according to online jail records.  
A 6-year-old girl, Kinsley White, was grazed by a bullet in the left cheek and was treated at a hospital and released, she and her family said. Her father, Jamie White, who had run to her aid, was shot in the back. He remained hospitalized Thursday with serious wounds, including liver damage, according to Kinsley’s grandfather and neighbor, Carl Hilderbrand. The girl’s mother, Ashley Hilderbrand, was grazed in the elbow. Authorities say Singletary also shot at another man but missed.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

From the Democrats Failing to Defend Democracy Files

Senate Democrats need to play hardball

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) seems spectacularly ill-suited for an era when democracy is at risk, when Republicans observe no rules of decorum and when the federal judiciary’s credibility is crumbling.

Far too restrained and deferential, Durbin has refused to alter practices such as the “blue slip,” which allows home-state senators to nix the president’s judicial nominees, although he has beseeched Republicans not to abuse the practice. Durbin also hasn’t yet conducted hearings on the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and related abortion bans, nor has he held hearings on a mandatory ethics code for judges — although he has promised hearings on revelations about Justice Clarence Thomas’s failure to disclose luxurious travel gifts and real estate sales. Then again, Senate Democrats as a whole haven’t pushed Durbin, so one cannot blame him alone for his timidity.

Caroline Fredrickson and Alan Neff recently wrote about blue slips for Just Security:

“The blue slip is an opaque — and inherently obstructionist — Senate tradition that allows a single Senator in any State to block a presidential nominee to the District Courts in their electoral patch merely by withholding their consent to consideration of the nominee in Committee. Like the filibuster, the blue slip allows Senators to halt Senate action without ever having to explain themselves to their Senate colleagues, their constituents, or the public, even if it means more criminal and civil cases languish unresolved on federal trial-court dockets for longer periods.”

Durbin could end this practice at any time, removing another abuse of minority-party power in the Senate. It’s one that has been spectacularly abused by Republicans, who have pushed through grossly unqualified, unfit nominees nominated by Republican presidents and yet nixed perfectly acceptable judges nominated by Democratic presidents.
In January, Durbin wrote a letter to colleagues essentially begging them to be more bipartisan and cooperative. (This Republican Party?) “Democratic Senators returned 130 blue slips for President Trump’s district court nominees. This enabled 84 district court nominees to be confirmed — nearly 50 percent of all district court confirmations under President Trump,” he wrote. However, “To date, my Republican colleagues have returned only 10 blue slips on district court nominees.”

Nothing changed, unsurprisingly.

Last week, Carl Hulse wrote for the New York Times:

Then last week, Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican of Mississippi, served notice to the Judiciary Committee that she would not allow the nomination of Scott Colom, a candidate for a court vacancy in the state, to move forward, citing his past political support from the left, among other reasons. Her stance endangered the confirmation of Mr. Colom, a popular Black Democratic state prosecutor who had the backing of Roger Wicker, the other Republican senator from the state, as well as leading Mississippi Republicans including two former governors, Haley Barbour and Phil Bryant.
Durbin had previously promised he would respect blue slips unless the decision to withhold the blue slip was based not on the nominee’s qualifications but on race, gender or sexual orientation. Apparently, this didn’t qualify in his eyes.  
Committee Democrats can, if they choose, push Durbin to end the blue slip practice. They also could demand a hearing on Supreme Court ethics, on book banning, and on the effects of Dobbs and abortion bans. They might even hold hearings on corruption in the prior administration or on domestic terrorism. They could hold hearings on nationwide injunctions and single judge divisions, which allowed for Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk’s abysmal ruling on the abortion drug mifepristone.
This is what the fall of democracy, inconvenient truth and civil liberties looks like when their defenders do not fight as hard as they can. One can reasonably ask the question, which side is the Democratic Party on? Arguably, it's quietly on the side of the corrupt authoritarians or it's on no side at all.