SCENE 1: The exciting action causing the injury, just a notch below the intensity of action in The Terminator: A few days ago I sprained/strained my left shoulder and bicep moving a heavy box from one place to another. That was real dumb. Pain started immediately but flared into intolerable the next day.
This was close in intensity to my action scene
SCENE 2: The exciting medical drama, like the TV show House: I'm not sure if it was a sprain or strain. The interwebs indicates that the two are overlapping things. The doctor called it a sprain based on X-rays, so I'll go with that.
I was close to this level of medical action
My ER doctor's charming bedside manner
telling me to stop wasting his time or the
oxygen I was breathing in his ER room
(I think he wanted me to stop breathing?
My div is a tough old geezer, probably ~35 years old)
Anyway, the pain was so intense I couldn't even keyboard and didn't feel like blogging. I got some wuss pain pill, naproxen and a muscle relaxant. From what I could tell neither drug did squat for the pain. The most effective treatment by far was to sit still and not move. But today, something changed and most of the pain faded to just a menacing little gremlin waiting for me to do something stupid with my left arm.
The gremlin is about a 3 according to this scientifically
precise measuring stick
Before today, the flares were about a 9 if I moved wrong,
but pretty stable at 6.5 (not 6 or 7) for a couple of days if I didn't move much
So, today and tomorrow and until the gremlin goes away, I'll try to refrain from doing something stupid with my left arm. Otherwise, we can go back to exciting action causing injury.
Thanks to all for your kind words and support.