As most of us would agree, fixes only happen when root causes are identified and successfully addressed. So, for example…
The cause of being poor is usually the result of conditions like: being under-educated, feelings of hopelessness (e.g., being poorly-connected, family cycle of poverty), and negative soft-wiring (e.g., abusive upbringing).
The cause of being rich is usually the result of conditions like: a higher education, opportunities (e.g., being well-connected, family inheritance money), and positive soft-wiring (e.g., nurtured upbringing).
While these contrary conditions are not set in stone, I believe they are more true than not.
Granted, no one answer can fix the world, but left to our own devices, our baser, more primal instincts tend to rule us (e.g., greed, selfishness, fear, self-preservation). With that intro, now for the question:
If you agree that wealth inequality is a problem, should there be additional policies put in place to resolve the gap between the rich and the poor? For example, government subsidized higher education and universal health care, to name two fixes. (Yes, that would mean proportionally higher taxes.)
- I completely agree
- I somewhat agree
- I’m neutral
- I somewhat disagree
- I completely disagree
Identify the country from which you hail, and then explain your answer.
Thanks for participating and recommending.