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Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Conservative Culture War Grounded in Arrogance, Ignorance, Disrespect and Lies

Rand Paul - arrogant, ignorant, disrespectful

A Washington Post article discusses the way senator Rand Paul (R-KY) treated Rachel Levine, the physician nominated to become the Biden administration’s assistant secretary of health in her confirmation hearing. 
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), however, seemed more interested in talking about children’s genitals.

“Dr. Levine, you have supported [minors] being given hormone blockers, and surgical reconstruction of a child’s genitalia,” Paul said, in a tirade in which he also conflated genital mutilation (a horrifying practice that public health experts view as a human rights violation) with the transition-related surgeries chosen by some transgender individuals to help their bodies conform with their gender identity.

Levine, who most recently worked as Pennsylvania’s top health official, is transgender. If her nomination succeeds, she will become the first publicly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. She would have been within her rights to be enraged by Paul’s ignorance, but she responded on Thursday by repeating a steady message: “Transgender medicine is a complex and nuanced field,” she said twice. It was composed of “robust research,” and standards of care. She would be happy, she said, to come to Paul’s office and discuss the issue in-depth.

She repeatedly thanked him for the opportunity to answer his questions, even the demeaning ones.

She kept her hands folded on the table, while Paul jabbed his finger in the air and dismissively scoffed, “If you’ve ever been around children — 14-year-olds cannot make this decision.” (Levine is a pediatrician who created the Penn State Hershey Medical Center’s adolescent medicine division. Paul is an eye doctor.)

Paul did not seem at all curious about the medical matter at hand, in which he had no expertise. He was instead “alarmed” and “outraged.” He claimed to be worried about the children, but paid no heed to guidance of medical organizations — including the American Academy of Pediatrics — that recommend treating gender-diverse children by affirming their gender identities.

In Paul’s telling, children chose to be transgender because of peer pressure, or pressure from doctors. In his world, those children would be fine if only doctors like Levine would deny them treatment. That bill had inspired similar reactions from Republican lawmakers. 
Paul’s stand against medical treatment for transgender kids occurred on the same day that the House of Representatives was scheduled to vote on the Equality Act, a bill that would amend the Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. 
“Equality for who?” demanded Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) from the House floor Wednesday night. “Where is the equality in this legislation for the young girls across America who will have to look behind their backs as they change in their school locker rooms, just to make sure there isn’t a confused man trying to catch a peek?” 
Boebert then meandered on to “liberal indoctrination camps — also called colleges and universities — and “radical ideology,” and she warned that the left would “imprison” and “take [the] children” of anyone who disagreed with them. (emphasis added)

Yes, indeed. Children choose to be transgendered because of peer and doctor pressure, just like homosexuals do. It's those darned liberal indoctrination camps. You know, the ones called cities and urban areas. They're infested with enemies of the people and the state, such as democrats, liberals, the LGBQT community, people who oppose the ex-president and other evil miscreants. Those radical liberals want to take the children from good people and turn them into transgendered people.

One can only wonder at the fact that evil people in the liberal indoctrination camps outnumber the patriots in the rest of the country. Could this deranged crackpottery be mostly a matter of some combination of irrational fear, arrogance, ignorance, disrespect and lies? 

Lauren Boebert (R-CO) - arrogant, ignorant, liar