Some kneeled before this monstrosity and prayed, presumably for it to run
again in 2024, and maybe also to smite the democrats and send them to hell
A recent poll found that Donald Trump Jr. was one of the most popular choices for the 2024 nomination, doing better than Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley combined. On Fox News Thursday night, former GOP House member and Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows openly proclaimed that it’s still Trump’s party — either Donald, Donald Jr.’s, or Ivanka’s.
In the Bible, the Golden Calf story ends with a furious Moses destroying the idol — dumping its ashes into water and forcing the Israelites to drink it as punishment. In theory, the voters in 2020 could have been the party’s Moses, the loss of the White House and the Senate their bitter ashwater. And yet, here they are, still building idols of a false god.
President Ivanka T. What an awful thought. This country and democracy are in deep, deep trouble.