The Fifth Circuit reverses and grants judgment *for* a judge who does a prayer ceremony in his courtroom before hearing cases.
— Raffi Melkonian (@RMFifthCircuit) September 29, 2022
Judge Jolly dissents in relevant part. His description of what the scene in Court is like is below. 1/
Meanwhile, Vanity Fair writes: OBAMA PRIVATELY WARNED REPORTERS TRUMP WOULD DESTROY AMERICA IN 8 YEARS IN LAST DAYS IN OFFICE -- Though for some reason he thought four years would be “okay.”
I'm not alone in seeing multiple deadly threats just oozing out of the rabidly theocratic, thoroughly morally rotted, deeply corrupt Republican Party. I'll keep up the warnings as long as I can. Once they come and shut me up, I will have been shut up.
Qs: Was Obama right to think that four years of T**** would be OK, assuming he actually thought that? (I sure don't think so, but what do I know?)
If you were an atheist who was a witness for the defense of a non-White criminal defendant in judge Mack's courtroom, would you get up and walk out of the courtroom for Mack's "prayer ceremony", or, would you stay and pretend to be praying out of fear that judge Mack would unfairly whack the defendant as a filthy Godless illegal immigrant atheist, even if he wasn't any of those horrible things?