From the For What It Is Worth Files: Most everyone paying any attention over the last 8 years or so is wary of putting much weight on polls this far out from elections. That’s reasonable. However, a bit of apparently new information has popped up. Polling suggests that although DJT has been leading in battleground state polls for the last several months, some of that support appears to be coming from low information people who may or may not vote next Nov. The NYT writes:
[A warning sign for DJT]: His narrow lead is built on gains among voters who aren’t paying close attention to politics, who don’t follow traditional news and who don’t regularly vote.
To an extent that hasn’t been true in New York Times/Siena College polling in the last eight years, disengaged voters are driving the overall polling results and the story line about the election.
President Biden has actually led the last three Times/Siena national polls among those who voted in the 2020 election, even as he has trailed among registered voters overall. And looking back over the last few years, almost all of Mr. Trump’s gains have come from these less engaged voters.
By now, everyone paying any attention knows that USSC justice Sam Alito is radical, deeply morally corrupted (e.g., mendacious, kleptocratic), hyper-partisan, and authoritarian. Based on recent revelations and reporting, there is solid evidence he is also a Christian nationalist theocrat. He flies flags indicating he believes in (i) Trump’s stolen election lie (although he blamed his wife for that), and (ii) American government should adopt Christian Supremacy and theocracy based on Christian Sharia law as its guiding dogmas. NPR reported about the Christian nationalist flag Alito flew at one of him homes:
The New York Times reports that an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which has origins dating to the Revolutionary War but is now associated with Christian nationalism and efforts to overturn President Biden's election win, was seen flying outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s New Jersey beach home last year. .... The flag has origins dating to the Revolutionary War, but is now associated with Christian nationalism and efforts to overturn President Biden's 2020 election win. The flag was also carried by rioters at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
By flying two different partisan flags at two of his homes, Alito clearly has conflicts of interest in Trump’s immunity lawsuit the USSC will eventually get around to maybe hearing. Deciding on immunity might happen in 2025 or 2026, depending on how much the radical authoritarian Republicans choose to slow the case down. It is also possible that the court will sidestep the case entirely on some technical ground the Republicans dream up. Despite his conflicts of interest, Alito will probably not recuse himself from the immunity case. In the unlikely case that Alito deigns to give an explanation, he will simply lie and he can be fair and unbiased. That is authoritarian Republican moral rot on the USSC.
The flag of authoritarian Christian Supremacists
and theocratic Christian Sharia law
So far, Alito has refuse to explain why he was flying the Christian Supremacist theocrat flag at one of his homes. He is expert at the KYMS (keep your mouth shut) tactic when faced with inconvenient facts and questions. The KYMS propaganda tactic effectively prevents FIMS (foot in mouth syndrome).
Alito also flew the US flag upside down at his home. The US flag is not to be inverted “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.” That is clear
evidence that Alito believes the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. He cannot be impartial about deciding Trump’s immunity case. Flying a US flag upside down in protest dates back at least 50 years. In Spence v. Washington (1974), the Supreme Court upheld the right of a student to display a US flag upside down from his dorm room with a black peace sign taped on it.
At Sammy’s house --
his naughty wife did it!
At Trump’s 1/6 coup attempt
For plutocrats, money talks and everything else walks. Money includes pro-plutocrat dictatorship and plutocracy. Everything else includes democracy, civil liberties and the rule of law. According to one source, Elon Musk elegantly has stated the compelling plutocrat rationale: Musk used to vote '100% Dem,' but now he thinks the US needs a 'red wave' to save it. Save it from what? Taxes on himself.
but not democracy or taxes on billionaires