
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Review of Police Racism and Abuse and the Failed System that Enables It

The 33½ minute video by John Oliver and the 8½ minute by Trevor Noah summarizes the racist abuse of power situation by police. The video clips and accompanying facts and context helps to keep the severity of the situation in mind. Many American police forces are out of control to some unacceptable extent. Unfortunately, it is not clear that many politicians get it. Another point to keep in mind is that society asks the police to do things they are not trained to do and probably usually do not have the temperament to do.

America simply has to do better than this. American police must be made to be transparent and accountable, no matter how much paperwork it causes and no matter how long people keep protesting peacefully in the streets. And, America really needs to vote the president out of office.

If you don't want to listen to most of this, and it is pretty depressing, just listen to the last ~4 minutes of the 33½ minute John Oliver video. That helps explain some history and how the situation is seen from a very angry but articulate black person's point of view.

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