This is from an interview with CNBC’s Jim Cramer yesterday. Cramer interviewed Nancy Pelosi.
Jim Cramer: I like your spirit of being more upbeat, more optimistic, so I will offer this: Why can’t you go across the aisle and say, ‘Representative Lewis, civil rights legend, would have loved it if we could do something for the totally disenfranchised in this country. No matter what, can we give a huge chunk of money to the people who are disenfranchised, to minorities who want so badly to stay in business and can’t and to people who are trying to go to college or have student loans who are minorities who are the most affected because they had the least chance in our country?’ That’s got to be something both sides can agree to.
Speaker Pelosi: Perhaps you mistook them for somebody who gives a damn for what you just described.
Jim Cramer: Ooh, jeez.
Speaker Pelosi: Yeah. That’s the problem. See, the thing is, they don’t believe in governance. They don’t believe in governance, and that requires some acts of government to do that. . . . And basically, economists tell us, spend the money, invest the money for those who need it the most, because they will spend it. It will be a stimulus or at least a stabilization of — and that’s a good thing. Consumer confidence is a good thing for the economy. You know that better than anyone.
Yeah, ooh, jeez. At least some democrats are finally sharpening their rhetoric and getting to the point. The GOP no longer believes in governance. They believe in exercising power in a non-compromising, authoritarian way. They just won't compromise. The GOP is the party of HELL NO!! To hard core GOP ideologues, compromise is generally seen as treason, unlike the president's treason. That is generally seen by the GOP as patriotic.
Some context
As an update on my travels through radical right bastions such as Breitbart and Town Hall[1], the common hard core pro-Trump view is that democrats never compromise. That is cited to explain why Pelosi and democrats in congress have not compromised with the limited GOP offers so far about new coronavirus relief legislation. Compromise is in the beholder's or tribe's eye. Or the website owner's eye. What the GOP sees as compromise, the dems see as nothing of significance, and vice versa. The two sides are far apart and so far the gap cannot be bridged. The rhetoric from the radical right is super ugly. The Washington Post commented:Meanwhile in Ohio, President Trump used an official White House visit as a forum to attack presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden. The former vice president, Trump proclaimed, would “take away your guns, take away your Second Amendment. No religion, no anything.” Revealing his own lack of faith and decency, Trump added that Biden would “hurt the Bible. Hurt God. He’s against God. He’s against guns. He’s against energy.”
Maybe political pressure from the public will nudge a meaningful GOP compromise on coronavirus into existence. Maybe not. Regardless, if what we are hearing now is a reasonable indication, the president is probably not going to touch base with reality in his lunatic attacks on Biden.
1. I'm hanging on by a thread at Town Hall. The people who run that extremist right site are on to me. They are now blocking most of my comments as spam. I can still get some short comments past them, but I cannot edit my comments without the edited version being blocked. I'm still not banned or shadow banned, but I expect that is coming pretty soon. Also, I get lots of down votes and maybe that will do me in. Apparently, at least some folks there hate my guts for trying to be honest and fact-based. They really dislike inconvenient truths and reasoning.